Monthly Archives: September 2016

Who am I, really?

who am I? unique, energy, light, complete, blending, connection, heart, creation, life, whole, mix, facets

You are energy.

You are light.

You are a brushstroke born from the heart of creation,
as it depicts the many facets of life.

You are creation – a part of the whole yet complete within yourself.

You are unique, blending a mix of qualities unlike any other,
yet connected to others in so many ways.

You are

I am

Hoping to be more…

green-roseFanning the flame
At the centre of my heart is a wish; a wish that has grown with time.
Sometimes in quiet moments my wish opens shyly, revealing a glimpse of its character, retreating again inside walls of protection as I move back into my day.
Sometimes it plagues me, as lost in thought and activity I feel lonely and lost, like something is missing.
What is this wish and why does it seek to awaken and rise within me, like a spark being fanned into a flame?

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Wishing for greater understanding…

blue-daisy-circularAwakening the seed

Lying dormant within is a mystery waiting to unfold.

I sense it at times as it begins to stir, in moments when I yearn for greater understanding or an expanded sense of being to embrace a challenge that lies before me.

How can I enliven this seed within that it might grow into a wondrous beauty, to shelter and guide my every waking moment?

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