Monthly Archives: November 2016

Riding the waves…


Come into the centre
Commune with this source of balance
Stand upon the rock of truth
as the waves of life rise to meet you

Stepping gently …


My path is right in front of me
I am sure of this
It’s there waiting patiently for me
to have the eyes to see it
ears that can hear it
a heart that can feel it
and a mind that understands

Step gently in this search.
Let each unfolding be as a new reality dissolving into your mind,
awakening your senses with the subtle touch of new life,
forming experiences and releasing old expectations
with the intake and release of each breath.



As I begin to settle and the breath softens within my heart, opening my being to a newer and deeper breath…
as I release and open again, welcoming in the gift of spirit…
I sense a change in my thinking.
My thoughts lighten, releasing and floating a little, dancing to a rhythm yet to be fully heard, but sensed and wished for.
My being begins to respond differently, without thinking.
A new wish grows, borne from a sense of self that has always been there and yet is new –
opening in this moment to be here in this physical body with new senses.
I feel infused with an energy that vibrates through each cell, gently soothing and whispering with the life-message of release.



Can you hear me?
I am the silence that waits for you to notice.
I am the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.
Hear me.
Let my touch awaken you to the presence of another reality: one that sings with the heart-vibration of its purpose.
Let me open inside you, and here may we dance the beautiful realisation awakening as the sun.
May I become your new centre, the place to which you return for comfort, for peace, for understanding.
May I hold you, and may you know yourself cradled by the very life you are becoming.

Subtle Ways


May the light of a new understanding touch your heart.

May the breeze of a new consciousness lift your awareness.

May spirit touch you in subtle ways to lead you upon the path
where earth and soul become one.

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