Monthly Archives: December 2016

Come, play


Come, play with the unknown
Taste its delicious mystery and feel its elusive touch.

Open your heart
and for a moment fly free of all limits.

Hear the unknowable
expanding beyond yourself, stretching wide and laughing with the joy of its newness.

Be unknown
untethered to the past, held in this unfolding moment, and free to travel its awakening.

And return refreshed
filled with the un-nameable wonder of having been held in the arms of a much greater self.

Spirit of new life


I speak to you, to the quiet, still place within.
To the wish that seeks the stars.
And I feed you with the love of my being.

I come for this precious stillness, this tiny space within your day, when the opening into your heart may create a passageway through to the stars.

I come for this hope, so it may grow and feed you with a new experience of life.

I see how small and precious it is within your life, how tender within your being.
And I awaken the heart of creation within these moments when we can be as two hearts communicating, as two wishes sharing the breath of this life.

I am here in the moments of your stillness.
Breathing the spirit of your new life.

The cycles of change


You feel the shedding of an old skin, a fabric of energy that has cloaked your life in meaning, now dissolving in purpose to make way for the new.

You are not settled in this process, feeling a sense of loss as what once gave you identity breaks down into dust, to be swept away by a new inflow of beginning.

Bear this time in grace as best you can, allowing for the moments of nothing to be not hollow voids to be dreaded but sacred spaces, the forming of brave new pillars of a temple that gain their strength from the passing of what has been.

Feel the dying as still you live, trusting in the natural wisdom of cycles, knowing that each death births the seed of a new beginning, just as each new beginning, in time, is asked to surrender into a new realisation of truth. Continue reading

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