Monthly Archives: May 2017

Journeying into mystery


I wish to feel the sun beating down and the cool mystery of night embracing me in the same moment, as I walk the road of balance between all opposites –
the fine line that can pass through everything;
that can trace the outline of all worlds and set its magic to achieve any task.

Touch of love


Each vibration of disharmony that moves through your energy field is there to be transformed, shepherded home into the arms of an all-encompassing love.
Each pain you hold within, each un-ease you have with another person or situation, is there to be gently held, bathed in stillness and acted on with care, allowing for more and more seeing to bless your understanding.

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Be yourself


To be yourself is to be constantly letting go what you believe yourself to be – to allow a new being to slowly form in the space of surrender and release, to grow and develop into the being you will become.

To be yourself is not to deny or judge any part of what you see and experience. It is to be fee of restriction and expectation; free of all you thought to be real and true, experiencing only the moment that is here and now.

To be at peace is to be complete.

Breathe, and become all this moment needs you to be.

Stop… breathe… listen…


Listen to your heart
Listen to the beyond

Feel the calm of space
Feel its expansion
Allow for the opening into its vibration and step into the miracle of the moment before you.
Cast aside the heavy cloak you wear and feel a connection with a deeper self, a mystery that holds meaning and purpose.

Allow for this… simply allow
Be open… allowing and open
Ready to receive
Ready to give

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