The search for who I am is forever open, forever new, forever a mystery to be experienced and lived.

About us

Statue of lion and lamb in Leonis garden

Leonis was established to support an awakening consciousness on the earth and is a work to bring you to the realisation of how to fulfil your true potential.

Founded in 1977, the Leonis School is a privately funded, non-profit organisation based in Sydney, Australia. The school was originally called The Gurdjieff Foundation of Australia with the teaching based on the ideas of Armenian mystic George Ivanovich Gurdjieff.

Stillness is the foundation of our work at Leonis. By achieving a state of meditative stillness we become freer of habitual thinking and emotions. This brings us in touch with a greater creative intelligence and completeness, providing an opportunity to realise our highest potential and achieve a greater life understanding.

Tapping into the infinite intelligence of stillness has a wide range of benefits. Stillness can help to:

  • Calm the stress of everyday life
  • Balance and settle emotions and thoughts
  • Release tension
  • Improve physical and emotional wellbeing
  • Open the path to your authentic self
  • Nurture connection with soul
  • Discover your life’s purpose
  • Enrich relationships
  • Honour the mystery in all life
  • Create a foundation for conscious living.

Our work at Leonis also involves music, writing and sacred dance, all birthed from a place of stillness.

Leonis is named after the constellation of Leo and was established under this astrological influence.

Our symbol

The Leonis symbol is a version of the six-pointed star, an ancient and significant symbol revered for its illustration of harmony through the merging of opposites. Two triangles symbolise duality – female and male, heart and mind, dark and light, water and fire, above and below.

In traditional depictions, two separate triangles are interlaced. The Leonis version is created with an unbroken, constantly moving line that reinforces the concept of harmonious union. It also reflects scientific discoveries that confirm the interconnection of all things.

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