Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Touch of love


Each vibration of disharmony that moves through your energy field is there to be transformed, shepherded home into the arms of an all-encompassing love.
Each pain you hold within, each un-ease you have with another person or situation, is there to be gently held, bathed in stillness and acted on with care, allowing for more and more seeing to bless your understanding.

For know each time you stop the force of the disconnected mind, each time you halt, just for a moment, the tirade of past hurts and judgements from controlling your inner world, that you allow for the touch of love to slip through the tiny opening this creates.
This ‘stopping’ is like water on stone which in time reshapes the contours of your mind that it may receive, like a cradle, the blessing of new life. Here may be held a new intelligence, come from the blending of star and earth, growing the alchemy of connection, coming to taste the language of love.

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