Monthly Archives: July 2013

Meeting 27 Jul: moments of opening

It was great to catch up and share again in the beautiful welcome that stillness always offers us.

All is within. It sings to you in the silence.

It calls to you in the moments of opening,
where you can receive a drop of the magic of creation as she tends your spirit.

Open then to the stillness that unlocks the key to the cosmos within.
Hear the silence beyond the familiar sounds of life.
Bathe in the eternal waters that flow within the beating of your own heart.


Look forward to seeing you again at our next meeting.

Moments touched by grace

I come before you as a slender ray of purest gold
the scent of flowers touched by rain

I come in moments touched by grace
moments infused in the light of forgiveness
where all is softened beneath surrender’s kiss

I come gently
without fuss
simply and in the moment

I come to open your eyes
and cleanse your senses
that they might know the truth of the mystery that is your own self

Meeting 13 Jul: cradle of stillness

“Allow for the magic that is in stillness, the quiet, unspoken work which guides you forward.”
In our last meeting we looked at how a gentle and consistent work with stillness prepares me for the moments when I can be there for someone else, bringing a new energy of care to my interactions – often without having to say anything.

We also explored how this work nurtures the mind, calming the over-activity and nourishing the possibility for a much more expansive thinking; how it allows the mind “to rest like a babe in a cradle of stillness.”

Look forward meeting again on Saturday 27th July.

May stillness be with you.

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