Monthly Archives: July 2015

Soul in earth

Relax, dear one

Slow down

Allow your breath to steady you, to sail you into calmer waters

Enjoy this change of rhythm

This quietening of thought

This softening of emotion

And be here in this nurturing moment

Where you mother your own life

Thinking of the child first

Gentling that which loudly demands

Giving to that which silently waits as the opening Continue reading

New day

I come upon a wave of love, rising as sacred tide within your heart. Accompanied by a chorus of silence, I gently weep the tears that release all that lies unforgiven, all that remains in regret, all that holds you back from taking a new step.

I am release. Release of the past. Release of the future. I come to you as you are now and draw you into the sacred circle where there is no beginning or end, but simply the beautiful possibility of the living moment.

Here in this space, where grace dwells as a beautiful scent and simplicity softly murmurs, do I ask you to be, to be more of who you truly are, for you to deepen as the colour of a rose held in the love of the sun. Continue reading

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