Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

A new voyage

Sailing boat on sea of stars

In the gentling of your gaze
In the relaxing of your body
In the softening into stillness
So do you begin an inner journey

May a new voyage begin as you set sail upon the living waters of stillness. Each gust of energy that would steer you away from this destination, growing in you a muscle that returns you to the waves that carry you ever onward and upward.

As you navigate the forces that ebb and flow, currents that draw you away from the still pool within, so may you become seafarer of the worlds, travelling many lands, to ever return to the shores of home.

Know your experiences are forging a precious gold that holds a strength of vibration in the air … and this vibration is needed to weave through the atmosphere of your world, to restore an order of balance the earth is destined to wear as a crown of light.

So may the light grow in you as a lamp, casting its reach further and deeper into the currents of your world, creating a space through which all may stop, giving an opportunity for a new way to be taken.

In this forever voyage …

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