Window Light
Living colour
May the wonder of the stars be held within your gaze as you
traverse the valleys and hills of each and every day,
as you remember again and again the gift of a new breath.
May the space borne upon each breath free you from the past,
opening you to new realms of possibility,
allowing for new outcomes as the forces play.
So will new beginnings land upon you again and again,
like butterflies with newly unfolded wings, patterns of living colour
gracing the air as you rise to touch upon the living fabric of your destiny.
Where there is silence
stillness can be felt.
Where there is clarity
purity can be seen.
Let awareness flood your being
without the need to know
as you step into the fire of this awakening time
to dance within its flames of protection
and rise into the sky
as so many sparks of inspiration.
Winged flight
As you open space with a ‘stop’
as you consciously step aside from outward momentum
and return to the sensation of your body
as breath moves from unconscious habit to conscious living flow
and your body widens and expands
opening as a cup to receive the gift of new life
as this brings focus, releasing complexities of doubt
and innocence washes through you, cleansing you of the past …
here can a new search begin
the steps of its seeking building upon all those gone before
cycles turning within cycles, ever-returning to the beginning …
here, where nothing is known
where a greater knowing holds this nothingness as a sacred opening
can be lived the mysteries, the wonder of winged flight.
A wish
May I free myself from myself
to serve in truth
as my heart beats always
to the rhythm of an expression-new.
Steady …
Steady as you sail the ship of your life.
Know in this steadiness, with one hand navigating your daily life and the other given in trust to the deep hum of an eternal world, you can discover who you truly are and why you have come.
Allow for your very next breath to balance you, enabling you to gently survey the conditions within and reset your course as you move upon a path newly born in the moment, a path that receives you as a child of soul, awakening to all that has lain dormant.
So may you begin again.
So may you receive the wonder of awakening.
Face the sun
that the shadows may be behind you
A seed lies within,
seeking the sun’s warmth and the rain’s awakening touch
that its expression may reach forth into the world.
Awaken now …
Awaken and reach for the sky
Spend each day connected to the stars and each night honouring the sun
as you gather yourself around the flame of hope that burns eternal,
as you nourish your heart with the magical musings that arise
from within the realm of stillness.
Essence of stillness
A moment of stillness amidst a flurry of activity
is like taking a holiday
where time expands
and you are happy to simply exist in the moment-now
to just be
just be here
so content
so at peace
so calm and still
and as you move into the next moment
can you carry the essence of this stillness with you
gracing all that you touch with its blessing
to live from a still place forevermore.
This free moment
In this growing stillness …
can you hear a bell ring its calling note
to welcome you into an expansive space
free to observe from an open heart and mind
a moment to gaze through a window
into the glory of a star-filled world
to seek this calling note that welcomes you
in stillness.
The step unknown
The breath of this moment
the voice of the breeze …
these are key to becoming free
these are key to finding your way home.
There is more, so much more on offer,
awaiting but your step into a world of belief
where all you think is real is quietly put to one side
and a whole new landscape opens up
a place that is truly your world –
the one you have always longed to explore.
Take the step unknown
releasing the past and all of yourself
into a mysterious world where you are welcomed with joy
and you feel completely at home.
Break free
You can always turn your face toward the sun, open your posture and receive a new breath.
It takes but an instant to step outside your everyday momentum and experience this freedom, to remember yourself as one with the flow that feeds all life.
It takes such a tiny taste to break free and re-engage with the child heart,
with the knowing deep within which understands its forever place in the arms of heaven.
So remember the simple act of turning your face toward the sun, of opening to its warmth and giving yourself to its embrace.
In this, your opening to soul …