Window Light
Taking the time
Slow down
Simply slow down
Allow the garments of your deeper nature to expand and enfold you in their subtle energy; this precious crossing over into a finer vibration where is sensed the deep hum of awakening reality.
Never doubt the jewels born of taking the time to allow your rhythm to find its true harmony, where held in its pulse you become child once more, open and receptive to the moment now birthing as a sunrise.
So may you taste of what is possible; what calls to you from beyond and which marries you to the living silence of the cosmos.
Slow down
Simply slow down
Feel our heartbeat alongside your own
Feel who you truly are and why you are here.
Eyes awaken
Gently breathe.
Allow this breath to expand into the whole of your being,
so it may cleanse and refine more and more…
to instill balance…
to regulate a beautiful heartbeat…
to begin an adventure into a higher space.
breathe and lift.
And as you enter into a more refined place,
let this space feed and nourish an ever-silent you.
as the senses begin to work their magic…
as sleeping eyes awaken…
listen to a vibration that calls to an ever-greater connection.
are you in a more simple and free place,
are you dressed in light
and with the eyes of another world,
ever-so still and ever-so open,
can you receive the wonder and magic of sacred intelligence.
as you give, are your wishes heard…
as you receive, do the wealth of the stars illuminate their light.
can heart perceive and lead the way.
soul smiles a thousand kisses upon your precious being.
A wish for you
Let love flow through you and around you, caressing each thought, reshaping it into a form of beauty, manifesting as words and actions of comfort and grace.
Let the sun shine throughout your world, enlightening and enlivening each moment with a brightness and lightness of spirit as you sense the many possibilities that expansion can offer.
Listen always for hope in its many forms, for does it wish to be a constant and faithful companion, awaiting your presence in each and every moment, that you may step together and create wonder in your wake.
Let mystery’s call be your guide.
Let love awaken what was lost, returning it to the place of belonging to be cared for as cherished treasure.
Allow our song of peace to rock you gently into restful sleep, awakening each day to carry a wish lightly within your heart, to be lived as an expression of joy in the knowledge that you are a child of the cosmos, born to live a life of great purpose, trusting in the sanctity of the way that has been laid before you in preparation for your step into the unknown mystery you are here to create.
Light of hope
Let the light of devotion shine within
Let the magic of stillness be your guide
Let all rest as it may in your heart-centre of peace
And from your heart-centre, ring true.
Come, sit with me.
Take my hand as we gaze into the pool of deepest stillness, without expectation, awaiting the secrets it may reveal as shapes begin to form upon the surface, reflecting all that rises now in response to a call for great change.
See the patterns of your life laid out before you, and let them rise high into the air where the sun’s illuminating rays can shine through, creating an interplay of light and shadow that dances upon sacred earth and holy water, moving to the melody of transformation that sounds now throughout creation.
Sit with me as we witness the turning of the tide – the space in time that allows for a beginning truly new – the awakening and rising of a consciousness born from a spec of light merged with a hint of darkness, that these two might join forces to allow for a new hope to be birthed within the realm of earth and beyond her shores.
Allow for the repatterning to begin.
Allow for the deep pool of stillness to reflect the sun’s rays into your life, revealing all that now seeks to find its way home.
And let us walk together in trust towards this destination – your home in truth – the place where soul may live in earth and be carried as a light of hope forevermore.
Journey of lifting
Each time you find the rhythm of an eternal world
changing your inner state,
do you become a vessel able to hold the energy
of a lifting consciousness.
Settle … soften
Let your energy find a calm vibration on which to travel, a flow that dances with and upon rays of light.
Here where you gradually become freer and freer from all vexation, can you awaken to a world of possibility; a living wisdom assuring and guiding you as you become receptive to its touch.
May this state of femininity become a home in which you dwell, a trusted source to which you return again and again to steer the boat of your life.
In this journey of lifting…
The true you
Hands reaching across space and time
reminding you of your origin
integrating lost light, forgotten essence
welcoming you home
Profound experiences of the past wish now to be recalled into the memory of body, mind and spirit; heart, soul and eternity.
Allow them their passage through time as they travel to greet you, seeking to touch upon and awaken the essence-spark that can lift you into a whole new realm of being, that can gently fuel the flame of who you truly are, igniting hope and embracing you in the energy of soul-purpose birthed anew.
Allow your vibration to adjust as waves from your true being seek to merge into the rhythm you express each day, turning you ever-so slightly upon the axis that has been fixed in place by false belief about who you are and why you came to be, your energy now being channelled in a direction more aligned with the true you.
Feel the wonder and lightness of being this can bring, and take courage in the knowledge that the unknown is a truly safe place to be.
Forever blessed by hands that move outside time may you be.
All of your being
Instead of allowing the constant flow of life-energy to move you along, fragmented inside its stream as small parts of you react to each moment, your mind mostly in the past or future –
come back to this moment, centre yourself, gathering all of your parts inside the space that is stillness and, connected now with soul, move all of your being from there.
For within stillness is there a protection, a gathering of all your energy into a centre surrounded by a gently glowing cloak that covers all with a fabric of cohesion and comfort, allowing for a melting and the influx of higher will that can guide your steps in a direction different to the one habitually followed.
From here can you have true choice, stepping into magical places unknown and creating miracles in each moment, travelling upon winged feet, buoyed by an energy of wonder and adventure.
If you wish to truly create your own life and choose its direction, live more and more within stillness. For here can the doorways you seek manifest and open, revealing pathways that will see you step the journey of gracing earth with light and offering the worlds of light the wisdom of earth.
Gathered and centred within this moment
may you forever be.
World of light
Will come a time when you look out at the world from a world
revealing its light within you.
A world beyond the gravity of pathways well worn and familiar.
A world that sweeps across your mind a profound hush, leaving a womb of
receptivity in which the seed of consciousness may be planted.
A world where intelligence as you know it is a living sensitivity,
an awareness and drinking-in of what is and a responding that is
unknown until the moment it is expressed.
A world where love courses freely through the very cells of your make-up,
this forming the symmetry of a rose in bloom, each unfurling petal
birthing a cosmos of new understanding.
A world you will come to live from as your first love and all else
flowing from this order divine.
A world where you are one and one with all
A world of forever, growing, expanding light.
Blending of paths
She comes, soft of step, a growing presence caressing your senses.
So may you ascend the mechanical nature to feel yourself as energy,
this lightness and fluidity allowing you access to new dimensions,
this new vibration allowing you to travel beyond the known.
In a moment can your reality change whereupon is given a new experience of self. Here, where the ordinary is infused in new depth and tone, can you feel yourself as more than your knowing, as you pass through the gates into the garden of all-possibility.
Bringing with you the self you have known, the memories that are part of you, the history that has shaped you, can you be embraced by another intelligence, another way where is revealed a path held in hands of light.
To truly realise your human potential is to invite this path into the many patterns you travel both inwardly and outwardly, for will this path of light merge all your travels into an energy that hums in tune with the eternal hum of creation.
And here will be realised the opening where all becomes one, where you become an energy pure, ageless, timeless and ever present, the song of creation a living dance within your heart.
In this blending of paths …
Birthing a new reality
May the light of consciousness illuminate your being,
the seed within awakening to unfurl the secrets held therein
All is still in the temple within, the murmurings of thought soothed and calmed before its presence, its living silence holding all in its compelling expanse.
Entering into this change in ambience, where energy dances on beams of light, can you sense and partner with a world-eternal; a world whose touch upon you opens door after door of the house of your being.
Here where a resurrection takes place, the conditioned self shedding its skin, a new child-self beginning to rise, can you melt into the heartbeat of a new reality, this clothing you in a fabric of energy attuned to the rhythm of the stars.
These tastes of what is living is the compass that shall lead you home time and time again. And in the joy of this connection do you strengthen and caress the fabric of energy you wear, this light of ascension becoming more snugly woven into your cells, into your shifting consciousness.
So may you be as the cup, open to receive this golden consciousness, holding the waters of a dawning new age, moving upon frequencies destined to rise and kiss the earth as she rises to the call.
In this birthing of a new reality.