Birthing a new reality
May the light of consciousness illuminate your being,
the seed within awakening to unfurl the secrets held therein
All is still in the temple within, the murmurings of thought soothed and calmed before its presence, its living silence holding all in its compelling expanse.
Entering into this change in ambience, where energy dances on beams of light, can you sense and partner with a world-eternal; a world whose touch upon you opens door after door of the house of your being.
Here where a resurrection takes place, the conditioned self shedding its skin, a new child-self beginning to rise, can you melt into the heartbeat of a new reality, this clothing you in a fabric of energy attuned to the rhythm of the stars.
These tastes of what is living is the compass that shall lead you home time and time again. And in the joy of this connection do you strengthen and caress the fabric of energy you wear, this light of ascension becoming more snugly woven into your cells, into your shifting consciousness.
So may you be as the cup, open to receive this golden consciousness, holding the waters of a dawning new age, moving upon frequencies destined to rise and kiss the earth as she rises to the call.
In this birthing of a new reality.