Love’s call
She takes your hand
and leads you to places you would never go.
She gently opens your eyes to that
which you would not see
and calms your heart
that you might hear sounds
you could never hear.
She is Love.
And she comes to journey with you
in the discovery of soul.
She steps now into the centre and calls.
Her heart shines like a sun
drawing you near.
Release and soften
I am still, I am calm
And I breathe into the ocean of my life.
The waves of my thoughts settle
and I am bound on a journey in search of hidden treasure.
I am still, I am calm
And I breathe deeply.
My whole being relaxes and expands
connecting now more fully with everything around.
I feel the mystery, a wholeness, a softening
that is my stepping onto the path of soul-discovery.
I am still, I am calm
And I breathe in the air of new beginning.
Hold me now in this place of release.
Let me drink fully of the waters that cleanse and soften.
Move gently
Imagine you are on the verge of moving into a new home. Imagine the rooms you are yet to dwell in, areas of space awaiting a gradual coming to life as you begin to inhabit new dimensions.
In this journey of transition, may you step with grace into this new chapter, into this new residence where a new self shall be welcomed and given space in which to express its colour.
Allow for this movement from a past that has served you well into a future that will bring you more and more into the present.
Allow for the shedding of that which has become safe and familiar, the letting go and the swelling of a deeper, fuller heart.
Come then and move. Move gently. With ease. Allowing for the tender pain in this letting go, allowing for compassion to widen your gaze, to open your ears, to still your mind and release your heart into a new chapter of beginning.
Allow yourself the changes that now come.
Allow yourself to move.
New expression
The more you let go of
the more space you can create
to be filled with something else.
Let light play upon my being
Let music dance between my cells
Let these words weave an opening between heart and mind
Allowing for the expression of the child of new life.
Be held in this moment
Relax …
Slow down
Allow your breath to steady you
to sail you into calmer waters.
Enjoy this change of rhythm
quietening of thought
softening of emotion.
Be held in this nurturing moment
where you mother your own life
caring for your child nature
gentling that which loudly distracts
giving to that which silently waits as the opening.
Relax …
and allow this thread of gold to weave through your heart
to awaken the reality of a great tapestry within
and draw forth the colours of soul in earth.
Path of beginning
Voyage in the boat that carries you across the waters, that offers protection between you and the currents, connecting you to your true self.
Recognise signs upon your path, subtle messages from a deeper intelligence, impulses that pull you toward the shore of self-knowledge.
Bathe in calm when you would rise in anger, harnessing this energy in sails of light. And here may you flow with the breeze of a growing awareness, sensing your conditions anew, navigating a safe passage home.
Let your feet be cradled as you step upon new ground, moving beyond into a beautiful expanse of reality, offering the gift of this living-moment into the beating of your heart.
Feel a presence in the air. Allow for an awakening, a lifting into being, a waxing and waning that reveals the growth of new possibilities.
And know you are called –
called upon the path of return,
the path of beginning.
A way forward
Allow to unwind stories of the past, rising as so many spirals within your being
to find their release as they journey upward and into the waiting arms of universal love.
Allow yourself a moment to stop,
to feel peace,
to begin to renew,
and in that moment begin to sense what it might mean to create a new way,
step by gentle step,
learning and growing and nurturing yourself along the way.
Embrace all that is offered from a source of purest love.
Allow this love to permeate your being
and soften past patterns
with the gentle touch of magic from beyond.
Be still and allow this process to unfold.
Believe it can be,
and let it become your way forward.
A new opening stirs
Relax your mind
Allow yourself to be as water, thoughts gently pooling in a calm place, preparing to flow as a river into the depths of the ocean.
This nameless voyage, where you break free of the currents that keep you bound, is a journey into mystery. Here, where you can travel beyond fear’s map, is a path to a new destination.
Each time your thoughts unbalance may you feel presence like a silent friend, ready to listen yet wooing you to another possibility, a deeper place of seeing.
Allow for this possibility.
Relax your mind often that you might feel your thoughts soften as a new opening stirs, asking of you to step through and beyond into a whole new possibility.
Through stillness, you will find the way.
Path to transformation
Feel the flow. Feel the air brushing against your skin, moving lightly. Feel how this simple touch refreshes, awakens, rejuvenates. Feel how softly and freely it travels. Feel its gift.
Sense how in the act of breathing you partake of the air that sustains life, that allows for new beginnings to be, that opens you to receive and allows you to let go.
Know this simple flow of air to hold a secret. For in its movement is reflected the passage of life coming into being and releasing to change. Awakening and surrendering.
Allow this simple flow to speak and guide you when all seems complex and pressured. Allow your focus to move into the flow that is ever-changing, ever-renewing. Allow for this simple exchange to be a source of comfort as you connect more fully into the movement that is creation’s dance of making.
Trust in the feeling that comes from a light breeze upon your skin, and know in this is a key on the path to transformation.
Awakening light
As the magic of stillness is woven more deeply into your being and you become vessel of its awakening light, so may you step-new, so may you wear the colours of a more true self.
For stillness brings you into a space of quiet majesty where you may sip of an etheric intelligence. And here, where are given the notes of a new rhythm, where you align yourself with the breath of another world, can you begin the magic rising that is the unfolding of a deeper self.
So may truth be as wings that carry you into the mystery of your life, where through the simplicity of a ‘still’ moment a divine spark shares its light, and from here a guiding star is given, leading you through the challenges in earth.
So may you be reborn.
So may you shine the light of new life.