Grace of a new opportunity
Starting now, always starting from here. This is your key.
This is where you can choose, and make a difference – control the outcome through changing what’s possible.
Little by little, like peeling the layers of an onion.
Step, by gentle, inner step. Creating a new place to begin from within this earth, and opening each time to the grace of a new opportunity.
Steps to awakening
It begins from within, a moment in time touched by the rays of a forever sun, where begins to unfold the bud of an awakening consciousness.
Here, where new eyes open within the apparent chaos of life, can you be graced in the garment of a living energy, this supporting you in the mystery of a way ever-evolving.
So may you be freed from the limits of form and material attachment into the ever-moving waters of creation, where light dances upon your vessel as rain to a parched desert.
Come then and know the wonder of beginning again, of breaking the spell of sleep and placing the key that unlocks the potential of each moment into the door of your steps to awakening.
Awakening into being
Relax … breathe … and allow
Relax … breathe … and allow
Let these words reveal themselves to you as a living experience. Make space within for the gifts they offer, for can they unfold like the petals of an awakening flower.
See yourself as a living receptacle, your stilled mind becoming as a womb where is held and nurtured the words of transformation, words whose sound and vibration go to a whole new depth as you simply hold them in care.
So may you go beyond and into a whole new realm of possibility.
So may you become ‘the word’ as it lives within the chamber of your awakening into ‘being’.
Breathe and begin again
Breathe and begin again, always beginning again from a wish to discover something truly new. And ride upon the wave of this time that seeks to carry you on a journey to places unknown.
Stay with me
When something in your life triggers heartache within you, stay with me through the pain of remembering.
When everything is normal and running like clockwork, breathe and move; think, plan and activate, but stay with me.
When you are lifted by the beauty of music and feel you are dancing in harmony with the light of the angels, stay with me.
Stay within the centre, in the delicate movement of stillness – where your heart is constantly measured against the weight of the feather.
For your natural state is one of equilibrium.
Your every struggle is in balancing the swing of opposing forces.
Your every success lives in the miraculous moments of blending.
The call
I hold before you a lamp,
the flame of which has never been extinguished
I hold before you an urn,
the waters of which are ever-renewing
I hold before you a hope,
the light of which has never been put out
I hold before you a truth,
one you hold within the beating of your heart
Breathing and beginning again
May I
allow my heart to expand to include all and everything in my life
holding always a wish to remember to consciously breathe of an energy that allows me to begin again and again
coming to each moment with new vision and greater understanding.
As I begin to settle and the breath softens within my heart, opening my being to a newer and deeper breath… as I release and open again, welcoming in the gift of spirit… I sense a change in my thinking.
My thoughts lighten, releasing and floating a little, dancing to a rhythm yet to be fully heard, but sensed and wished for.
My being begins to respond differently, without thinking. A new wish grows, borne from a sense of self that has always been there and yet is new – opening in this moment to be here in this physical body with new senses.
I feel infused with an energy that vibrates through each cell, gently soothing and whispering with the life-message of release.
One step away
Reach deeply into the heart of your being and drop into the well of patience, love and gratitude that exists there, waiting ever for you to bathe in its essence, healing your fractured being as it rests for moments upon this journey.
A new journey of release
Don’t think.
Just breathe.
Allow sensation to travel through you.
Notice how your thoughts come back, the breath becomes automatic and you lose touch with sensation.
Try again now.
Breathe in.
Allow the breath to flow, its caress to gently awaken and still you, gently softening and calming, giving you access to a world of inner being. Like a window opening in your heart, new energy flows, each breath a new journey of release.