Awakening heart and mind
I seek a vision of hope
an awareness of expanded heart and mind that can encompass all and
reveal the way forward within each living, breathing moment…
to awaken the miracle within and create a connection with the world of soul.
It lies within you – all you need – all you think is missing
It runs like a silent river from a secret well, deep and knowing, stirring now
calling to you to listen,
to awaken to the silence,
to hear its mystery and respond to its truth
Spark of soul
Nurture and hold the creative spirit within.
Treasure it. Feed it with your care. Listen to its needs and water it with the spirit of love and forgiveness.
Open now to the new step it can teach you.
Feel its wish.
Hold this wish beside the flame of hope that burns eternal; the spark inside that mirrors the life that is your soul.
Ever by your side
Let me bathe your mind in cool water
Cleansing your fears in softening waves
Trickling space into tightly held corners
Let me light a flame within your heart
To burn alongside the one already there
That you might feel the warmth of my support
Let me cleanse the air
Gently breathing out a scent
Infused in the fragrance of soul
Let me be as a stolen moment
Granting grace and peace
And the sacred space where new beginnings flow
Let me be a reality in your life
Ever by your side
Filling your senses with new possibility
For I am love
Simple and strong
And I walk with you in this life
Ever by your side
Quiet awareness
The experience is now.
Whatever you are doing.
Wherever you are.
It cannot be anywhere else, anyone else. Only you. Only here. Only now.
Draw in this breath. Into this body.
Let it shape your senses with the caress of spirit and move with the energy of release.
Taste the change in awareness as you become sensitive to your body, your hands, the air upon your skin.
Allow this simple, quiet awareness to bring you closer to the sound which emanates from your centre, from the place where all is still.
A moment of space
a little blessing –
a deeper breath;
a moment of space
between thoughts.
The ocean of my life
I am still. I am calm.
And I breathe into the ocean of my life.
Hold me now in this place of release.
Let me drink fully of the waters that cleanse and soften.
It’s a mystery, how this life unfolds…
It’s a mystery, how this life unfolds…
And if I can let go of trying to control the process can miracle after miracle be presented at my door.
And if I can set aside my fear and let them in will my life be forever transformed into a wonderland, filled with exciting adventures once imagined in childhood, now to be lived and breathed every single day.
A miracle in the making, a mystery ever-unfolding.
A constant process of letting go every thought, feeling, fear and joy –
letting them go so that their essence can be fashioned into a miracle for this moment.
Eternal magic
Feel the pull of many forces, and feel stillness
Feel the influence of many voices, and feel stillness
Allow all to be in stillness
Allow its waves to settle the storm
To reflect a new way through choppy seas
Know you are being tested and feel stillness
Know you have lost your connection and feel stillness
Allow your every colour to be in stillness
Deny-not your being the transforming waters of stillness
Come into stillness
Feel its embrace
Do not think stillness cannot cope with chaos
Do not think stillness judges or chastises
Stillness is…
It never ends
Feel its gift of possibility
Feel its eternal source of magic
Quiet awareness
The experience is now. Whatever you are doing. Wherever you are.
It cannot be anywhere else, anyone else. Only you. Only here. Only now.
Draw in this breath. Into this body. Let it shape your senses with the caress
of spirit and move with the energy of release.
Taste the change in awareness as you become sensitive to your body, your hands, the air upon your skin.
Allow this simple, quiet awareness to bring you closer to the sound which emanates from your centre, from the place where all is still.
Let its touch awaken new memories, sounds of the being who can hold all in balance.
As this tender possibility colours your world in subtle shades of difference, allow it to draw hope into your consciousness.
Into this body. This moment. Into now.
Let the sounds of awareness grow. Let the shape of your being open to receive the moment as it begins anew.
And taste the wish as it calls you by name.