Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Spread your wings

Come spread your wings,

feel the expanse of your being reaching out …

opening… lifting…


Feel your feet upon this earth

and the stars greeting you as your mind expands


Taste the atmosphere,

its fine energy sparkling into your blood,

sending rays of light through your mind,

warming the centre of your heart


And breathe within the presence of this light


The search for who I am

is forever open

forever new

forever a mystery

to be experienced and lived

Quiet awareness

The experience is now.
Whatever you are doing.
Wherever you are.

It cannot be anywhere else, anyone else.

Only you. Only here. Only now.

Draw in this breath. Into this body.
Let it shape your senses with the caress of spirit
and move with the energy of release.

Taste the change in awareness as you become sensitive to your body,
your hands, the air upon your skin.

Allow this simple, quiet awareness to bring you closer to the sound which emanates from your centre,
from the place where all is still.

Suddenly, softly

suddenly, softly
a little blessing –
a deeper breath

a moment of space
between thoughts

The grace of release

Beauty breathed in

and all was still for a moment


like a blanket of snow

covered the earth

And all the creatures

and beings listed

… and when she breathed out

a balm of healing washed over all.

To allow

To allow for what is in the moment

To allow myself to be more and less

than what I was

To allow that I may cease the need to control

To allow all and everythng

that I may become small and simple

To allow – and simply and beautifully – allow

Meeting 2 Nov: a whole new dimension

Thank you everyone for an amazing meeting on Saturday 2 November.

We continued our exploration of letting go and being present to the moment. A simple movement exercise helped by allowing us to become more aware of our physical bodies in a way that is so different to our everyday life. We were then guided through working with the breath to bring about a beautiful, still space.

The meeting felt like a gift – at the end none of us wanted to leave.

Let it go … that which keeps you from the truth of who you really are … Allow this journey to live inside you, guiding you into an awareness that holds the vision of a new self, where your inner life takes on a whole new dimension and you are drawn deeper and deeper into mystery to witness your life.

As you are

The moment living calls to you as you are
not in an imagined future where all is perfect
not when you have resolved all issues of the past
not when you are free of all perceived weakness.

The moment now is now

And you are free to enter into it
to choose new possibility
to form new patterns rather than retracing old ones

Tap into the living awareness that is now

Cast off the heavy blanket of illusion that smothers you
Connect with a self who is light and adventurous …
Able to go beyond the distraction of the mind

Come into the living moment
The pure breath of oxygen existing now

Come not as you would wish yourself to be
but as you are … now

Meeting 19 Oct: deeper awareness

In our last meetup we worked with a lovely visualisation exercise to centre and calm us after a busy week. The exercise helped us to bring about an energy of space so we could sense a connection with more than ourselves.

We were asked to look at our bodies as temples and work with our breath so we could begin to sense the sacred nature of the physical vessel we have been given in this life and move toward the beautiful intertwining of body and soul.

Using some simple sensing and movement we finished with a breathing exercise to come to a deeper awareness within…

We left with a beautiful sense of presence and a resolve to work with bringing this presence and awareness into our everyday activities in the coming week.

Look forward to seeing everyone again at the next meetup to further explore this magical work.

Follow the thread of that within you who is seeker, who honours the path of mystery and the secrets that live within the folds of the universe.


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