Newly breaking light
In the lifting of your gaze
In the lengthening of your body
In the stilling of your mind
In the deepening of your very next breath
So may new day be born
So may you begin again
May you know moments of new beginning. In the softening of all you know yourself to be, may a door open where an inflow of energy sweeps across you as a caressing breeze.
For in these moments where you simply stop, making space for a new rhythm to carry you forward, do you open to the transforming wavelengths moving upon the air, asking only for your receptivity as they land upon you.
Here, as kiss after subtle kiss of the alchemy of new beginning lifts your perception, do you become the maiden – she who sees with innocence the path of love.
And here in this stepping, where the radiance of a new openness spreads its transference of light, can you be messenger of hope, your light touching the light in others, this creating golden suns that rise and dawn, gracing the earth in a lifting consciousness.
In these moments of newly breaking light …
A gentle curiosity
To be gently curious about that which you fear, or feel concerned or overwhelmed by opens a new space for you to see what’s possible.
It allows for the child to play, unrestricted by what you believe.
In this freedom can the body and senses, the heart and its breath, exist outside the limitations of any fear, allowing you to experience a reality beyond – even before you understand what this is.
So can this freedom grow until its reality is an undeniable truth that exists within, a way of seeing that shows you how to be and respond … to see into the heart of each concern and embrace any feeling of overwhelm with greater and more loving arms.
So may your step be steady, your heart free, as you keep opening a space for the child to take you beyond – into the world of what you are in the eternal process of becoming.
The steadfast way
The embrace of soul is not always comfortable, as it can remind of things long-forgotten, pushed into a secret place where they may be felt as the hint of something lost – something that floated into a distant land inside your being as you adopted the ways of worldly life, donning the cloak of conformity and camouflage.
To bear with the touch of soul in its uncomfortable form is to be the seeker of true treasure, for behind the pain of this loss lies your essence-true, awaiting your presence once more, awaiting your greeting, acceptance and love, that it might be with you every day as a wonderful support, providing signposts to where you need to be and who you are in truth.
So sit with your discomfort. Abandon it not again, but offer it the open door that leads to the presence of soul, the stairway that leads home, the air and sun that carry the vibration of your source, the water and bedrock that carry the blessing of feminine cleansing and support that you may move into dimensions-new and experience yourself as whole again.
Blessed be, child of the steadfast way, as you step in courage and light this day.
Within the stillness
Listen now
Listen to the leaves on the trees
Listen to the air upon your skin
Listen to the sound of spirit as it weaves about you
Listen within the stillness.
New day
In allowing for times of inner reflection, where you return to a living stillness as the wings upon which you travel, is a growing space that gently unravels all that is tightly held.
In this unfolding, in the daily remembering of the possibility that dwells beyond the mechanical rhythm, child-like hands reaching into the unknown, do you free yourself to discover the many rooms of the house of your being.
To enter these rooms, just for a moment, grants you a glimpse of what lies dormant; of what is seeded in your cells as a blueprint of a cosmic intelligence. And each time this matrix lights up within you do you receive tastes of heavenly light, its golden fabric of energy enfolding you in its radiance.
So may what lies hidden be revealed, each living moment of new revelation a jewel shining its light in earth, giving birth to new day.
In this forever rebirth …
A greater picture
Breathe in our wish for you,
breathe in our hope for your rising,
breathe in the warmth we offer,
the love that’s always there.
Breathe in the sense of a greater picture,
a force of being which enfolds your whole life – from beginning to unseen end,
able to hold all your moments in care,
to allow for and see what is becoming possible for you.
Allow yourself to expand into this vision
and receive its presence into your heart,
a deep, mysterious knowing.
Feel how your breath feeds this presence
even as you are held by its all encompassing wish.
And breathe …. knowing your heart and the heart of the cosmos
share this one flow of endless energy.
In this eternal receiving
to rise as a child of light.
Return to innocence
Held in the beautiful innocence that guards the child-heart,
enfolded in the wings that protect her awakening …
in this return to purity, to the simple wish at the centre of your being
is born the jewel of your purpose,
the crystal clarity formed through your many struggles to rise
and cleansed by the suffering that sees you remember
and return to the gentle heart of the child.
Here, by the light of your sacred wish,
and through the continual letting go that gives wings to your heart …
here can the reality of living what has always been a secret, sacred, unspoken wish
gather as a current about you,
gently guiding your step and supporting you in the tenderness of a very new balance.
So may each taste of this living truth be as the sounding bell,
clearing away all distraction and opening a path back to the centre
where all can move in harmony,
aligned with a greater purpose and the reason for your birth.
In each step given to serve this way of becoming,
and by the light created with each return to innocence …
This moment
Moving into the moment-now can be as a journey, a sequence of events: a preparation, the taking of a step, then arrival at your destination. Realising that your energy is scattered, feeling a need to return to your centre, to bring about some balance; stopping your train of thought and taking a deep breath, coming back to the sensation of your body – these can be the preparation, the journey, and the arrival.
Or arrival at this place can be instantaneous – a seeing or experiencing of something that brings you fully into a total awareness of ‘now’. Gazing upon a sunset, a mountain, a tiny flower in your garden – being embraced by a presence that gently holds you in this moment.
Consciously or unconsciously done, being in the moment can give rise to a miracle whereby a healing can take place, as, if you can suspend thought and judgement even for just a moment, something else can be present and all within your being can be embraced by this presence which allows for all and everything.
In this moment.
Eternal care
Open to the voice of heart.
She speaks the language that is love.
She offers a world within worlds,
inviting a peace,
a calm,
a new way of being.
Step into her space.
Allow her touch upon your life to enliven,
to awaken,
to invite an energy from beyond
that can carry you upon a river of universal support,
arriving to an open ocean,
carried upon waves that lift,
that seek to reach into an atmosphere-new.
And as you float upon these waves,
held safely within a boat created from stillness,
may you rise forever and greet the dawn that is the new sun,
reaching over the horizon to bless you forevermore.
Clothed in golden light,
may you forever be,
forever in love,
forever in hope,
forever in light,
risen now,
carried in love,
stepping beyond the known,
held in arms of eternal care.
Thought’s journey
Thought does not see.
Thought speaks.
Thought’s speech can be inspired by connection to something from beyond.
Thought’s speech can be wise when connected to the whole, encompassing and allowing for all levels of being.
Allow thought the space to listen before it speaks.
Provide thought room to expand and reach further than it has ever gone before, experiencing a freedom and joy as it is supported by all of your being.
Once connected to the whole, thought can see and speak the truth of its experience of wonder.
Allow thought the space to see.
Allow thought to be free.