Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Born to love

In this tranquil moment…
in the gentle breeze of the breath,
there is space.
And in lifting evermore,
there is peace.

It is these moments where transforming energy of light alters the whole of your being.
And as you gain a greater peace and calm,
does the breath become fine and more pure,
where blossoms a beautiful stillness.

Here in sacred stillness, you are prepared.
And upon the wish of your heart,
may this true moment glisten to call to the world of true promise.

This place of sacred prayer is where you truly are.

So may you begin to grow these true moments of peace within…
To refine a beautiful rhythm that encapsulates you and life…
Tuning into greater possibilities, open to the offering of the stars.

You are born to love.

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