Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Child-like simplicity

moment by moment,
breath by breath.

This is the way your body grows and opens anew to what is possible.
This is the way the heart learns to trust.

And this is the way, when brought to stillness,
the mind can become one with a cosmic intelligence
that widens and enriches all you see.

Breath by breath
does a living impulse become one with your cells …
each conscious, living moment of receiving,
each gradual, wave-like sensation of release

And step-by-step is how you find balance,
discovering what is needed in each moment
to respond with openness and love.

In all things is this how light enters,
how it serves,
how it can lift and reveal what is possible,
what can become as your new way.

In this return to a child-like simplicity,
where is held the eternal child of soul

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