Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Eyes awaken

Gently breathe.
Allow this breath to expand into the whole of your being,
so it may cleanse and refine more and more…
to instill balance…
to regulate a beautiful heartbeat…
to begin an adventure into a higher space.

breathe and lift.
And as you enter into a more refined place,
let this space feed and nourish an ever-silent you.
as the senses begin to work their magic…
as sleeping eyes awaken…
listen to a vibration that calls to an ever-greater connection.

are you in a more simple and free place,
are you dressed in light
and with the eyes of another world,
ever-so still and ever-so open,
can you receive the wonder and magic of sacred intelligence.

as you give, are your wishes heard…
as you receive, do the wealth of the stars illuminate their light.

can heart perceive and lead the way.

soul smiles a thousand kisses upon your precious being.

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