Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Light your way

Butterfly against clouds in blue sky

Life is hard
but there is connection
and you are loved.


Whatever is happening
create space around it.

Before acting
create space within and around yourself.

For within space can your spirit become more buoyant,
lifting you, that clouds may part before your gaze
now unencumbered by visions of internal imaginings,
now able to view into the distance
and embrace so much more than before.

Within space can the sun warm your heart,
thawing long-held hurts
releasing their essence to generate energy anew
to fuel the dawning age that now begins to awaken and stir.

Create space
Move your body
Focus on the breath’s ebb and flow
Allow laughter to clear away sorrow
Flow into the moment-now as it offers itself in service
that within its space a new step can be taken.


In the release of restriction can much be allowed to find its way
upon a path that leads ever upward,
strengthening your connection,
strengthening the flame in your heart
as it reaches ever-higher,
burning ever-brighter,
illuminating the way forward in each and every moment,
revealing opportunities
and allowing for their manifestation.

Remember to create space,
that the flame may continue to light your way.

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