Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Meeting 21 Sep: movement eternal

We started as always with a beautiful piece of piano music inspired by stillness, and then took an inner snapshot of how we were … becoming aware of “the rhythm of your breath, the posture that shapes you.

We then worked together with gentle movement to experience the shift … “into a new posture, a new rhythm, a new outlook” and looked at how, with simple awareness, we can … “witness a small transformation as you allow yourself the movement eternal, the movement that naturally carries you into a more balanced state.”
It was wonderful sharing in the energy of our work and connecting back into a deeper, calmer rhythm.
Looking forward to growing more experiences of stillness together in our next meeting on Saturday 19th October.
“… so may you naturally flow toward and into the ocean of a more still place, allowing these waters to bathe your mind, body and soul.”

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