Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Meeting 29 Jun: a centering force

At our last meeting we looked at how stillness and the rhythm of the breath can release me from the confines of this normal, earthly self into a much more expansive awareness … as if seeing how I’ve been existing in just a tiny part of myself and so begin the step into a lighter, finer expression.

“Imagine your chest and belly being filled with energy – your spine lengthening as it releases habitual postures, this allowing a blessing of new light to lift and raise you

As this energy enters your being feel the beautiful expansion your body is capable of, how each muscle can open to receive the breath, releasing tension and fatigue as new order is restored.”

We then explored the experience of moving from within this stillness; maintaining the connection to an inner awareness as I look out and respond to the world outside myself.

We finished with a piece of music and some more words from stillness …

“If you find yourself disconnected from the movement of the breath, use this realisation to guide you back to its rhythm, bringing you in touch with your body and what you are manifesting right now in the moment.

For the breath acts as a centering force that allows for the heart’s insights to open gently like flowering buds … all that you seek gradually given in the rhythm that sustains all life.”

Look forward to meeting again on Saturday 13th July

May the expansive world of stillness be with you

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