Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.


Imagine you are on the verge of moving into a new home. You have packed up all your belongings from your previous address and are about to make the transition from one dwelling to another.

Imagine the feeling this creates within you as you have a sense of where you are going to, having tasted the space you are about to inhabit, yet still feeling the mystery of making this space more real.

For child this is where you are in terms of your spiritual journey. You are on the threshold of moving into a new place of existence and you can sense this in moments you feel a pull toward a new reality, when all that is familiar and habitual bows down before a greater truth.

Imagine the rooms you are yet to dwell in, areas of space awaiting a gradual coming to life, as over time, you begin to inhabit new dimensions.

This journey of transition is an important step in your evolution and as you are outgrowing where you have come from, what has supported you in the past, may you step with grace into this new chapter, into this new residence where a new self shall be welcomed and given holy space in which to express its colour.

Allow now for this movement from a past that has served you well into a future that will bring you more and more into the present. Allow for the shedding, the dropping away of that which has become safe and familiar, the gentle yet often intense suffering of letting go and the swelling of a deeper, fuller heart that can open itself as an ocean, receiving in the waters of a new age.

Come then and move. Move gently. With ease. Allowing for the tender pain there is in this letting go, allowing for compassion to widen your gaze, to open your ears, to still your mind and release your heart into a new chapter of beginning.

Allow yourself the changes that now come

Allow yourself to move

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