Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Mystery of awakening


Awaken to the seed within, planted in love.

Let it stir within you, breaking-through into being.

Let its message flower within your mind, allowing the garden of the heart to fertilise every thought.

Allow for the drenching of the rains to wash away old debris – accumulated clutter from the past now dislodged by the moving waters of a dawning age. And feel the changing of the tides, the inner releases that nudge you closer to new possibilities; that temper the forces of involution, allowing for a new rising to carry you upon its wings.

For the hand of the feminine reaches deeper now into your heart. It gentles away the crust of the past to reveal the softened child beneath. It is here you will tap into the mysteries that await discovery, where you will awaken to your ancient knowing, kissed by the dew of new day.

Allow for this revealing – the suffering unto a greater truth where the heart’s waters are released into the flow of the cosmic ocean. Feel the hand of the feminine as she dresses the wound of old, as she pours the elixir of healing and massages the mind that it might surrender to the heart’s eternal rhythm.

Feel the piercing-through of new light as it moves as an etheric sword through the mists, as it parts the veils of old vibrations and reveals the opening into new day.

Feel her, the mighty feminine as she wends her way back to the source, as she calls upon the honour of the true knight to support her quest in awakenment from sleep.

Allow for her kiss of space to expand your being, to allow you to move beyond the confines of the body and for a moment float freely above and beyond, aware of the rhythms and pulls of earth that weave their story into the beating of your heart.

Feel her.   The feminine beauty of awakening. She who prepares for the making. She who gives birth to the Christ.


In mystery was her body clad

And through mystery did He rise again to reveal what before was hidden

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