Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

New possibility

Relax. Relax your mind. Allow yourself to be as water, your thoughts gently pooling in a calm place, preparing to flow as a stream into the depths of the ocean.

This nameless voyage, where you break free of the currents that keep you bound, is your journey into mystery. Here where you can travel beyond fear’s map, to touch upon a new destination is your path forward.

Each time your thoughts become unbalancing may you feel presence with you. And in their expression may you still know presence, like a silent friend by your side, ready to listen yet wooing you to another possibility, a deeper place of seeing.

Allow this presence to soften the hurt that rises up in pain – to take away a little of the fire. This softening happens as presence sees the nicks and cuts that have left their mark upon your memory, that still store energy within your being.

And in the glade of this seeing, where the light of uncovering is gentle, may a communion begin, where the fallen nature is lifted and breathed into by the loving breath of spirit. Your deeper nature longs for this communion, where in everyday life you stand upon the bridge that connects the lower and higher worlds as one.

For in this connection is the coming together of the pillars of a new church, a new temple within from which to serve. Allow for this possibility. Relax your mind as often as you can that you might feel your thoughts soften and recede as a new opening stirs, asking of you to step through and beyond into a whole new possibility.

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