Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.


I wish for a day of allowing
of releasing
of creating a small shift
that something new may begin to awaken


A pattern that forms anew in each moment, searching and seeking for the best path through which to express light and love, opening always into a space that holds true freedom, has the power to create life-eternal.

And does this true pattern-new seek to raise the consciousness of all that moves within cycles of the past, returning ever to repeat the same events over and over, unconsciously unaware of where this can lead.

So pray this day for the connection of a pattern-of-old to a loving intent for its freedom, that it may move into a realm where a bigger, brighter picture can be seen and a spaciousness experienced that it might see itself and its purpose anew.

Beautiful being of heaven and earth, walk this day awake to the possibility that lives in every moment.

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