Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Return to innocence

Held in the beautiful innocence that guards the child-heart,
enfolded in the wings that protect her awakening …

in this return to purity, to the simple wish at the centre of your being
is born the jewel of your purpose,
the crystal clarity formed through your many struggles to rise
and cleansed by the suffering that sees you remember
and return to the gentle heart of the child.

Here, by the light of your sacred wish,
and through the continual letting go that gives wings to your heart …
here can the reality of living what has always been a secret, sacred, unspoken wish
gather as a current about you,
gently guiding your step and supporting you in the tenderness of a very new balance.

So may each taste of this living truth be as the sounding bell,
clearing away all distraction and opening a path back to the centre
where all can move in harmony,
aligned with a greater purpose and the reason for your birth.

In each step given to serve this way of becoming,
and by the light created with each return to innocence …

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