Sense of wonder
May your reaching be that of a child
With hands soft and open
May your words be those of a child
Searching for the sounds of a new language
May your body be that of a child
As you remain supple in thought and action
May your mind be that of a child
Touched by dreams imbued in wisdom
May your ears listen like those of a child
Learning the art of communication
May you pray in innocence as a child
Hands held together in simple trust
May your belly breathe like that of a child
Rhythmic, free and unselfconscious
May you play in the way of a child
Where imagination woos the serious mind
May you know the grace of a child
As poised in balance you allow for the existence of different worlds
May you hold the wisdom of a child
As in the game of life you dance with the rules
May you know the love of a child
As through her eyes is reflected the wonder of creation