Stepping back
In stepping back, lovingly, with a wish to enter into a living intelligence, can you be freed from the patterns that restrict the natural flow of your transforming self.
For in this action, born of the stop and the precious space this opens within you, do you widen the reach of your search and, like a compass-true, set in motion a direction you can trust.
One step taken, that follows this living path, allows you to see that you can transcend past history and conditioning to come to a place of newness and forever possibility, this which you have come to realise and live in earth.
So may you feel a lightness as the weight of unliving ways dissolve and you stand naked before the flame-eternal, its light showing a way forward and reflecting back to you your natural connection with a world beyond.
In this, the wonder of stepping back, born of the stop and given as food for your transforming journey.