Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Tend your energy

Know that in the simple tending of the garden of your energy, you support a dimension of life drawing ever closer to your world. Do you allow for inner patterns to melt into an embrace that accepts and holds the whole of who you are, this lifting you into new beginning after new beginning.

In your remembering to tune your earthly instrument, to awaken to pathways of thinking that are but lost children seeking refuge in what can be forever trusted, is to free yourself and allow for the next unfolding in your growing understanding.

Remember …

Simply remember to tend your energy, to grant yourself and all life about you the possibility that sings in the air, that beckons you as the gentle voice of soul to lift upon the frequencies that sound the hum of your forever transfiguration.

In this tending of your energy …

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