Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Upon still waters

Allow your mind to settle as you place a gentle awareness on your heart area.

Allow this awareness to bring you deeper into wholeness, as all parts of you return to a common place of unity, a living oneness.

Allow this sense of oneness to radiate its warmth, bringing you into the deeper chambers of your heart where mystery and wisdom dwell side by side, where you can float as if a flower carried upon still waters.

So may the soft rising and falling of these waters change your rhythm, leading you gently into a new vibration to stand upon balanced ground, your usual fluctuations steadied and soothed, allowing a growing sense of who you are in totality, your physical body and the mystery that brings it life as one intelligence, one unfragmented embodiment of life evolving.

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