Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Whole and complete

Life is a dance
and the lighter I can be
the more playful I am
the more graceful the dance will become

Allow life to flow into this moment,
refreshing all within, carrying away all that is stale and worn
that a sparkling light may manifest in the space now created
that your steps may be taken with a freedom born
of connection with all that carries a purpose-true.

Exist, simply exist in the here and now,
allowing for whatever may arise,
blessing it and letting it go
that you may be held securely and safely within the entirety of your being,
whole and complete, coming to know this place more and more
that it may become the place you wish to return to as often as you can
until it becomes who you are.

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