Monthly Archives: May 2015

Sense of wonder

May your reaching be that of a child

With hands soft and open

May your words be those of a child

Searching for the sounds of a new language

May your body be that of a child

As you remain supple in thought and action Continue reading

In care

Held in care, in a place where compassion softens set pathways of thought, will it be found. In the hush of a silent night, where the face of the stars smile upon the land, will you sense it.

In the breath that travels the worlds, that clears the way for a new flow of energy, in this simple opening can new possibility rise to meet you. Continue reading


Imagine you are on the verge of moving into a new home. You have packed up all your belongings from your previous address and are about to make the transition from one dwelling to another.

Imagine the feeling this creates within you as you have a sense of where you are going to, having tasted the space you are about to inhabit, yet still feeling the mystery of making this space more real.

For child this is where you are in terms of your spiritual journey. You are on the threshold of moving into a new place of existence and you can sense this in moments you feel a pull toward a new reality, when all that is familiar and habitual bows down before a greater truth. Continue reading

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