Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

A greater picture

Breathe in our wish for you,
breathe in our hope for your rising,
breathe in the warmth we offer,
the love that’s always there.

Breathe in the sense of a greater picture,
a force of being which enfolds your whole life – from beginning to unseen end,
able to hold all your moments in care,
to allow for and see what is becoming possible for you.

Allow yourself to expand into this vision
and receive its presence into your heart,
a deep, mysterious knowing.

Feel how your breath feeds this presence
even as you are held by its all encompassing wish.

And breathe …. knowing your heart and the heart of the cosmos
share this one flow of endless energy.

In this eternal receiving
to rise as a child of light.

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