Window Light
In stillness
Right now, breathe…
Breathe to change your chemistry,
To unmask from the earthly way of thinking
So you are in tune with more.
Breathe and let everything melt
To erase thoughts that in this moment, whirl in your mind.
In this silent lifting
In this present moment
Sense the miracle taking place
So you may experience a rhythm that gently disperses clouds,
giving clearer vision.
Here, as your heart begins to adjust to change its rhythm… surrender.
Here now
In this space
As your being blossoms
As it enters a connection that is the mirror of soul
In this moment true,
Hear the song of your return echo in the distance.
In this beautiful connection
As spiraling light enters your being
Are you held in arms of sacred light
To traverse into places new
To lift ever-so more
To give and receive in breath
that is in sacred rhythm.
In stillness…
Born to love
In this tranquil moment…
in the gentle breeze of the breath,
there is space.
And in lifting evermore,
there is peace.
It is these moments where transforming energy of light alters the whole of your being.
And as you gain a greater peace and calm,
does the breath become fine and more pure,
where blossoms a beautiful stillness.
Here in sacred stillness, you are prepared.
And upon the wish of your heart,
may this true moment glisten to call to the world of true promise.
This place of sacred prayer is where you truly are.
So may you begin to grow these true moments of peace within…
To refine a beautiful rhythm that encapsulates you and life…
Tuning into greater possibilities, open to the offering of the stars.
You are born to love.
Child-like simplicity
moment by moment,
breath by breath.
This is the way your body grows and opens anew to what is possible.
This is the way the heart learns to trust.
And this is the way, when brought to stillness,
the mind can become one with a cosmic intelligence
that widens and enriches all you see.
Breath by breath
does a living impulse become one with your cells …
each conscious, living moment of receiving,
each gradual, wave-like sensation of release
And step-by-step is how you find balance,
discovering what is needed in each moment
to respond with openness and love.
In all things is this how light enters,
how it serves,
how it can lift and reveal what is possible,
what can become as your new way.
In this return to a child-like simplicity,
where is held the eternal child of soul
Creative child
Receive the wisdom of the ages
as the threads of the net that have held you bound so tightly
begin to loosen
and loosen
and loosen
until there is a gap wide enough for you to step free.
An opening begins to grow.
At first a tiny pinpoint, it expands ever-so slightly with each breath taken with a wish to grow, a wish to understand, a wish to let go.
And as it grows with each sacred breath, does a little more light enter, gently playing upon the shadows that have remained hidden, caressing their secrets with whispers of hope that they might feel safe and allow for a revealing that will see them step free, released from patterns held long in frozen isolation.
So breathe deeply this day. Pray for the freedom of all that longs for its release. Pray for the freedom of all that has lain dormant, awaiting this time of awakening light and love.
Let this light and love play upon and within your being, generating an energy that can shift all that has crystallised into a warm flow that circulates within, bringing a new rhythm to your every thought, emotion and action that will see the gifts of the soul-world offered into the earth realm.
Blessed be this time, as it awakens all that has slept to see it rise and take its place as creative child of ever-evolving promise.
Held safe, cocooned within a lullaby of warmth and protection did the child sleep, awaiting the time when, fed by a connection of light from the world of soul, she gained the strength to stand and walk free, her cocoon now reforming into a gossamer robe, gracing her with the blessings of an earthly journey and heavenly guardianship, both woven within its threads, creating a balance and a richness that this child shall bear and continue to grow within her heart as she seeks to bless the earth with this magic.
Bearing witness
As you bear witness to this time in earth, as you bear witness to your own nature as it responds, as the seed within you searches for conditions of stillness that love may rise in any situation, may you learn and grow, may you deepen and wisen.
For as you embrace each trial of learning, each joy of coming back to a calm centre, do you allow your soul nature to reveal itself more in the living of your life; do you come in touch with its miraculous essence where all is used as a food for lifting, of creating a chemistry with light at its core.
So may you remember, you journey this life with soul as partner. And in the quietening of all that would normally seek to go first will you allow space for soul to be felt, for its voice to be heard, for its deeper presence to raise your vibration, allowing you to touch upon the starry mind of creation as you dwell in earth.
In this witnessing of soul …
A simple gift
Soften child … deepen
Soften … deepen
Feel the beauty that you can discover in this simple practice –
a change in the rhythm of your breath allowing for a releasing
a lifting
a remembering
a reconnecting with what is real
of what lives within
what calls to you as the voice of soul
So may you soften … deepen
Soften … deepen
Opening to receive the gift of this blessed change upon you
Opening in stillness
In the morning prayer of stillness,
blend with light,
to receive the order of the day
It is in the opening in stillness
where the frequencies of the cosmos gather about you
that the light of stillness can be strengthened with boundless energy,
so you may interact whole and true.
And as you gather yourself, are you saluting this light of the day
with a prayer-song of stillness that calms thoughts
to lift evermore… to feel and sense a new heartbeat
that its motion stirs a yearning to give so much more
as released from the old, you step onto sacred stones of blessed love.
Here, vibrations stir the whole of your being with precious sensations
and its centres align to bring forth a finer balance.
Here, breath expands and expands and its transforming motion,
captures the sound that is a calling note – to enter a doorway into greater light.
In the morning prayer of stillness …
World of light
Will come a time when you look out at the world
from a world revealing its light within you.
A world beyond the gravity of pathways well worn and familiar.
A world that sweeps across your mind a profound hush,
leaving a space of receptivity
in which the seed of consciousness may be planted.
A world where intelligence as you know it is a living sensitivity,
an awareness and drinking-in of what is and a responding that is
unknown until the moment it is expressed.
A world where love courses freely through the very cells of your makeup,
this forming the symmetry of a rose in bloom, each unfurling petal
birthing a cosmos of new understanding.
A world you will come to live from as your first love
and all else flowing from this order divine.
A world where you are one and one with all
A world of forever, growing, expanding light.
Dance of emerging
All is still as an emerging begins –
a receptivity to the sound of a deeper rhythm
a soft serenade entreating you to return to the shores of home
Feel it, this silent call to come within and commune with the blending intelligence of earth and star.
Allow your receptivity to grow, your mind to calm, your heartbeat to steady and from this fertile foundation discover what is being seeded in the air, as a living guidance begins to enfold you in its fabric, gently holding you, massaging your consciousness so it moves upon a new frequency.
This window of possibility, where is lived a moment of connection, is where your gaze looks above and beyond as it receives a lifting chemistry of being, each taste awakening dormant neural pathways.
So is traced upon you the symmetry of a higher order of life, a newly forming pattern where you can feel and become the light that is the truth of who you are.
In this dance of emerging
Creative breath
In your silent space of stillness…
As you create a flow in the rhythm of the breath…
Gently allow everything to calm…
As if a magical silver cloud soothes and erases old thoughts…
Allowing a breeze from the open space of the blue sky to clear the mind and chime your sacred sound in stillness.
In this lifting, where your chemistry is open to receive,
allow heart’s rhythm to work its magic.
For the sound of your being is important. And right now in these changing times, there is a need to step further from chaos to bathe in light more and more.
And the true motion of the creative breath is where the gentling of your being can begin to elevate the breath into a finer rhythm…
To surface into the wonder of transporting light, where each lifting breath transforms the whole of your being.
So may you create greater and greater shifts, to spread your growing silence, so your sound is ever-changing its rhythm into growing love.