Window Light
Your becoming
Be comforted as you rock within the waves of change now flowing,
for are they much needed in this time of great awakening potential.
Be warmed by the rays of golden light now beaming,
for do they seek to enter your heart and alchemise with the treasure held therein.
Be delighted by visions of buds newly blooming,
as they reach forth and open their tender hearts to emit the scent of sacred love within earth.
With gaze firmly fixed upon your purpose-true, walk the path of your becoming, slowly shedding all that no longer serves you well to be transformed into a wisdom that carries compassion’s touch and grows within the light of the lantern that guides you forth –
the light that ever-burns within stillness.
The eternal
In stillness
In silence
Can the depths of your heart be traversed
Can the true worth of their riches be felt
Can their pure melody be sung.
In the silence
In great stillness
Can the new begin to emerge
Revealing itself as gentle waves breaking upon a shore of purest gold, as glinting light on the wings of birds in flight across a starry sky, lifting toward the hint of dawn breaking over the horizon.
For can the impossible become possible when you gather yourself in total and complete stillness, remembering there is a beautiful space where just one deep breath can change the moment … where your sight can explore the eternal.