Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Bearing witness

As you bear witness to this time in earth, as you bear witness to your own nature as it responds, as the seed within you searches for conditions of stillness that love may rise in any situation, may you learn and grow, may you deepen and wisen.

For as you embrace each trial of learning, each joy of coming back to a calm centre, do you allow your soul nature to reveal itself more in the living of your life; do you come in touch with its miraculous essence where all is used as a food for lifting, of creating a chemistry with light at its core.

So may you remember, you journey this life with soul as partner. And in the quietening of all that would normally seek to go first will you allow space for soul to be felt, for its voice to be heard, for its deeper presence to raise your vibration, allowing you to touch upon the starry mind of creation as you dwell in earth.

In this witnessing of soul …

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