Drop into your body
and be with whatever is there.
Breathe gently
resting in the spaces between each breath.
Reach to connect with heaven
and be with your beautiful soul.
Be in your body
Be with soul
Be of heaven and earth.
A living way
As you widen and deepen, your awareness beginning to open like a flower, so may be revealed to you a way that is living.
This way, which brings you to a beautiful surrender, this giving birth to a newfound sense of wonder, is where you can simply begin again, the mystery of your life enfolding you in its wings and beckoning you to fly upon its heartbeat.
So may you taste of a way you are destined to discover over and over again, each experience of its possibility growing you and your trust in a beauty ever unfolding its light.
So may your steps be guided upon the path of this way.
So may you “be” this way.
Hidden treasure
we need to dig a bit deeper
to unearth the treasure
As you embrace the ache within,
so can the ocean tides that swell behind it be raised
and released through the channel in your being
that exists between earth and heaven.
So as you cease to deny or wish to be rid of,
can all that seeks to know peace find its calm
within the space that allows it to expand and find a new existence
beyond the boundaries imposed before.
So can the motion created from this work of releasing
be harnessed as energy to fuel the transformation of your whole being,
from earth to soul and beyond,
reaching into the heart of your origin
and allowing for change on all levels at all times.
So can the path forward be lit by a new light
that shines from within.
Drops of hope
The stars seek to be seen through the veil
that holds the earth within its forever-spell of sleep.
Twinkling now, almost beyond reach,
do they burn brighter, ever-brighter,
that their hearts may begin to penetrate the fog –
to lift and raise this energy,
to transform it in the alchemy that is the dance between earth and sky.
This great beauty now unfolding
to be seen by eyes of purest stillness;
feet now dancing across the clouds,
scattering drops of hope into the atmosphere of earth.
Fly into the stars. Seek the star of your birthright, of your destiny, and join in the marriage – join in the sacred dance that is the blending with soul.
The stars reform now, reaching into the heavens even as they seek to touch the earth – this magical, mystical time awakening her heart that she may begin to know her truth.
Sacred times …
Sacred heart awakening,
From within
Relax … allow your belly to soften as you receive the food of the breath, as you allow for its expression to touch every part of you.
For know in this simple interplay you invite more space into your heart, body and mind … and this in turn opens new flows of energy where you are bathed in the light of the stars as you dwell in earth.
This blending of worlds is so very important as you seek to balance all that is, that it may be woven into a fabric of energy forever transforming. And here, enfolded in this energy, may you step more surely upon your path, feeling a living connection as true companion and guide.
So may you relax, releasing tension, opening your belly to receive the breath … and in this simple practice may you be reborn, awakened from within, ready to step anew.
A new voyage
In the gentling of your gaze
In the relaxing of your body
In the softening into stillness
So do you begin an inner journey
May a new voyage begin as you set sail upon the living waters of stillness. Each gust of energy that would steer you away from this destination, growing in you a muscle that returns you to the waves that carry you ever onward and upward.
As you navigate the forces that ebb and flow, currents that draw you away from the still pool within, so may you become seafarer of the worlds, travelling many lands, to ever return to the shores of home.
Know your experiences are forging a precious gold that holds a strength of vibration in the air … and this vibration is needed to weave through the atmosphere of your world, to restore an order of balance the earth is destined to wear as a crown of light.
So may the light grow in you as a lamp, casting its reach further and deeper into the currents of your world, creating a space through which all may stop, giving an opportunity for a new way to be taken.
In this forever voyage …
In stillness
Peace is yours.
Be in the moment.
Be here now
Stepping into the unknown
can all become real and true,
as your senses become finely attuned
to what is present in this very moment.
Can worlds of past and future unite
as clarity calls them into this space created by
the stopping of all your usual thoughts and distractions.
Everything is still …
and everything can be just as it is,
revealing its true nature under an energy of awareness
living through eyes of deep compassion.
The touch of truth seeks to find its mark now.
Create a space where it can land,
to unfold as so many new beginnings
within the heart of your being.
Let them grow within the nourishment offered by stillness,
where the new is truly possible
and you can paint your life in the colours of other worlds.
Be true, in stillness.
Growing awareness
As you sense the call to a new rhythm
As you feel the breath moving through you
As your awareness begins to expand
As your movement embodies a presence
As you listen, allowing for the sounds around you
As you soften, landing more fully in your body as you also rise
As you embrace these subtle changes
As you simply be, allowing for the dance to begin
As you tend this awakening with care, receiving its touch upon you,
so do you begin a beginning that never ends …
So do you tend your growing connection into an eternal world where you are held in a love-infinite …
In this, your journey of growing awareness
Waiting to blossom
In a moment, in a breath, the world changes.
What was fixed dissolves
and fear is replaced by a flow,
a gentle, growing release.
Like a brushstroke from a painter,
colour seeps into my limbs,
eyes open and I can see life.
I see the life in you waiting to blossom.
And I breathe.
I breathe in the energy which brings all forces together,
that links you and me and all beings.
We connect in a flow which never ceases –
a mysterious force of wonder that is the essence of all life,
the moment before birth, a breath upon the wind.
The light of energy you can see,
the moments of peace which give you your dreaming.
This moment
To be yourself is to be constantly letting go what you believe yourself to be – to allow a new being to slowly form in the space of surrender and release, to grow and develop into the being you will become.
To be yourself is not to deny or judge any part of what you see and experience. Is it to be free of restriction and expectation; free of all you thought to be real and true, experiencing only the moment that is here and now.
To be at peace is to be complete.
Breathe, and become all this moment needs you to be.