Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Light your way

Butterfly against clouds in blue sky

Life is hard
but there is connection
and you are loved.


Whatever is happening
create space around it.

Before acting
create space within and around yourself.

For within space can your spirit become more buoyant,
lifting you, that clouds may part before your gaze
now unencumbered by visions of internal imaginings,
now able to view into the distance
and embrace so much more than before.

Within space can the sun warm your heart,
thawing long-held hurts
releasing their essence to generate energy anew
to fuel the dawning age that now begins to awaken and stir.

Create space
Move your body
Focus on the breath’s ebb and flow
Allow laughter to clear away sorrow
Flow into the moment-now as it offers itself in service
that within its space a new step can be taken.


In the release of restriction can much be allowed to find its way
upon a path that leads ever upward,
strengthening your connection,
strengthening the flame in your heart
as it reaches ever-higher,
burning ever-brighter,
illuminating the way forward in each and every moment,
revealing opportunities
and allowing for their manifestation.

Remember to create space,
that the flame may continue to light your way.

Each and every step

Woman walking along sunny beach

Know that for each of you the path is different. For each has been given a unique task beneath the ray of creation, a particular colour and sound to discover that will reflect an aspect of the light unknown until its creation.

And as you step this earthly life, seeking to discover the unique harmony that creates the pure sound of your forever truth, remember always that your paths unite within the sacred world of stillness.

Here, within the sacred return to wholeness, can your search be embraced and given a breath of new life. Here, can it be released to grow, expand and become the vision of your next true and balanced step.

Your journey is meant to be an ever-lifting dance that brings the world of stillness to meet the conditions of earthly vibration, that your eternal self may grow its understanding of how to meet the needs of this earth – how to lift, love and bring into harmony all that has moved beyond the embrace of connection.

So remember the world of becoming one, the space-eternal into which you can return to sip of the waters that give you life and be renewed in the vision that gives meaning to each and every step upon this world.

Precious to soul

Shooting star over water

Live this moment in the beauty of light.

Be released into the breath of new life – the breath that is connected to a source that can override who you think you are, revealing who you truly are.

Let the senses taste the beauty of your rising.

Let all be, to evolve in the expansion of the breath that transforms into being a new, peaceful you.

For how beautiful it is as you relax into a soft opening, where the old garment softly, gently falls to the ground and angels dress you in sacred light …

anointing your brow as you step upon a precipice, releasing you into the space of a myriad of stars, where as you fill the whole of your being with the breath of stillness, does a new intelligence speak to you.

And as you step in this stillness, are you released into a space precious to soul.

This space is like the pearl-beauty of feminine energy, waiting for you to lift evermore to a place where hands of love anoint your centres with the beauty of colours new.


Birds fly over ocean waves at sunrise

Drop into your body
and be with whatever is there.

Breathe gently
resting in the spaces between each breath.

Reach to connect with heaven
and be with your beautiful soul.

Be in your body
Be with soul
Be of heaven and earth.

A living way

Bird prepares to take flight

As you widen and deepen, your awareness beginning to open like a flower, so may be revealed to you a way that is living.

This way, which brings you to a beautiful surrender, this giving birth to a newfound sense of wonder, is where you can simply begin again, the mystery of your life enfolding you in its wings and beckoning you to fly upon its heartbeat.

So may you taste of a way you are destined to discover over and over again, each experience of its possibility growing you and your trust in a beauty ever unfolding its light.

So may your steps be guided upon the path of this way.

So may you “be” this way.

Hidden treasure

Sunlit path through trees

we need to dig a bit deeper
to unearth the treasure


As you embrace the ache within,
so can the ocean tides that swell behind it be raised
and released through the channel in your being
that exists between earth and heaven.

So as you cease to deny or wish to be rid of,
can all that seeks to know peace find its calm
within the space that allows it to expand and find a new existence
beyond the boundaries imposed before.

So can the motion created from this work of releasing
be harnessed as energy to fuel the transformation of your whole being,
from earth to soul and beyond,
reaching into the heart of your origin
and allowing for change on all levels at all times.

So can the path forward be lit by a new light
that shines from within.

Drops of hope

Raindrops splashing into water

The stars seek to be seen through the veil
that holds the earth within its forever-spell of sleep.

Twinkling now, almost beyond reach,
do they burn brighter, ever-brighter,
that their hearts may begin to penetrate the fog –
to lift and raise this energy,
to transform it in the alchemy that is the dance between earth and sky.

This great beauty now unfolding
to be seen by eyes of purest stillness;
feet now dancing across the clouds,
scattering drops of hope into the atmosphere of earth.

Fly into the stars. Seek the star of your birthright, of your destiny, and join in the marriage – join in the sacred dance that is the blending with soul.

The stars reform now, reaching into the heavens even as they seek to touch the earth – this magical, mystical time awakening her heart that she may begin to know her truth.

Sacred times …
Sacred heart awakening,

From within

Sillhouette of woman mediating on beach

Relax … allow your belly to soften as you receive the food of the breath, as you allow for its expression to touch every part of you.

For know in this simple interplay you invite more space into your heart, body and mind … and this in turn opens new flows of energy where you are bathed in the light of the stars as you dwell in earth.

This blending of worlds is so very important as you seek to balance all that is, that it may be woven into a fabric of energy forever transforming. And here, enfolded in this energy, may you step more surely upon your path, feeling a living connection as true companion and guide.

So may you relax, releasing tension, opening your belly to receive the breath … and in this simple practice may you be reborn, awakened from within, ready to step anew.

A new voyage

Sailing boat on sea of stars

In the gentling of your gaze
In the relaxing of your body
In the softening into stillness
So do you begin an inner journey

May a new voyage begin as you set sail upon the living waters of stillness. Each gust of energy that would steer you away from this destination, growing in you a muscle that returns you to the waves that carry you ever onward and upward.

As you navigate the forces that ebb and flow, currents that draw you away from the still pool within, so may you become seafarer of the worlds, travelling many lands, to ever return to the shores of home.

Know your experiences are forging a precious gold that holds a strength of vibration in the air … and this vibration is needed to weave through the atmosphere of your world, to restore an order of balance the earth is destined to wear as a crown of light.

So may the light grow in you as a lamp, casting its reach further and deeper into the currents of your world, creating a space through which all may stop, giving an opportunity for a new way to be taken.

In this forever voyage …

In stillness

Mountain peaks in fog

Peace is yours.
Be in the moment.
Be here now


Stepping into the unknown
can all become real and true,
as your senses become finely attuned
to what is present in this very moment.

Can worlds of past and future unite
as clarity calls them into this space created by
the stopping of all your usual thoughts and distractions.

Everything is still …
and everything can be just as it is,
revealing its true nature under an energy of awareness
living through eyes of deep compassion.

The touch of truth seeks to find its mark now.
Create a space where it can land,
to unfold as so many new beginnings
within the heart of your being.

Let them grow within the nourishment offered by stillness,
where the new is truly possible
and you can paint your life in the colours of other worlds.

Be true, in stillness.


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