Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Your becoming

Be comforted as you rock within the waves of change now flowing,
for are they much needed in this time of great awakening potential.

Be warmed by the rays of golden light now beaming,
for do they seek to enter your heart and alchemise with the treasure held therein.

Be delighted by visions of buds newly blooming,
as they reach forth and open their tender hearts to emit the scent of sacred love within earth.

With gaze firmly fixed upon your purpose-true, walk the path of your becoming, slowly shedding all that no longer serves you well to be transformed into a wisdom that carries compassion’s touch and grows within the light of the lantern that guides you forth –
the light that ever-burns within stillness.

The eternal

Birds fly over ocean waves at dawn

In stillness
In silence
Can the depths of your heart be traversed
Can the true worth of their riches be felt
Can their pure melody be sung.

In the silence
In great stillness
Can the new begin to emerge
Revealing itself as gentle waves breaking upon a shore of purest gold, as glinting light on the wings of birds in flight across a starry sky, lifting toward the hint of dawn breaking over the horizon.

For can the impossible become possible when you gather yourself in total and complete stillness, remembering there is a beautiful space where just one deep breath can change the moment … where your sight can explore the eternal.

Upon still waters

Allow your mind to settle as you place a gentle awareness on your heart area.

Allow this awareness to bring you deeper into wholeness, as all parts of you return to a common place of unity, a living oneness.

Allow this sense of oneness to radiate its warmth, bringing you into the deeper chambers of your heart where mystery and wisdom dwell side by side, where you can float as if a flower carried upon still waters.

So may the soft rising and falling of these waters change your rhythm, leading you gently into a new vibration to stand upon balanced ground, your usual fluctuations steadied and soothed, allowing a growing sense of who you are in totality, your physical body and the mystery that brings it life as one intelligence, one unfragmented embodiment of life evolving.

Cradle of stillness

When you feel a hard edge, focus on your centre and breathe.

Where you sense a chill wind, breathe gently into this space, opening your heart that its warmth may radiate into cold corners and melt their unyielding walls, allowing them to reform into a space that is more supportive.

In the cradle of stillness may you be rocked, gentled into an awareness that allows child-like eyes to open.

So may you know the love that is the essence and meaning of why life is.

Connected awareness

How you begin is so very important…
for it can create a space for your being to open to this moment, allowing access to a flow of connected awareness, generating a response that holds care for the whole.

Begin in a way that is open and free
and discover all that is new.

A deeper self

Know a world of light awaits … and in the gentling of thoughts and emotions can you discover a deeper self who is naturally one with this light.

Do not think about this but simply ‘still’ yourself, allowing a guiding breath to naturally sail you as a ship into calmer waters.

Be gentle … become still.

Awaken and flow

Gentle waves flowing

Stop for a moment, take a deep breath
and be moved into a flow of energy created and given to transport and transform.

As you open into an expansion of heart so does the way before you open, as you are carried forward on the wave that is love’s touch of awakening.

Call of silence

I respond to your call of silence
to begin this day with the wish to renew
to lift your spirit to relish in stillness … a beautiful calm and peace …
to feed and nourish your being
so the whisper of love births a new you
and your heart beats the sound of new love.

Sacred whisper

Allow yourself the freedom to simply be
by acknowledging your thoughts and embracing a new inner rhythm.

Hearts and candles

Surrender and be at peace …
for a silent heart can hear the whisper of sacred love.

Let it go

Breathe deeply of this moment, allowing new energy to flow as you breathe out and let go.

Let it all go …

Release everything that occupies your mind and become the blank slate upon which words of magic can be written and works of art created.


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