Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Eternal magic


Feel the pull of many forces, and feel stillness
Feel the influence of many voices, and feel stillness
Allow all to be in stillness

Allow its waves to settle the storm
To reflect a new way through choppy seas
Know you are being tested and feel stillness
Know you have lost your connection and feel stillness

Allow your every colour to be in stillness
Deny-not your being the transforming waters of stillness
Come into stillness
Feel its embrace
Do not think stillness cannot cope with chaos
Do not think stillness judges or chastises

Stillness is…
It never ends
Feel its gift of possibility
Feel its eternal source of magic

Quiet awareness


The experience is now. Whatever you are doing. Wherever you are.
It cannot be anywhere else, anyone else. Only you. Only here. Only now.
Draw in this breath. Into this body. Let it shape your senses with the caress
of spirit and move with the energy of release.
Taste the change in awareness as you become sensitive to your body, your hands, the air upon your skin.
Allow this simple, quiet awareness to bring you closer to the sound which emanates from your centre, from the place where all is still.
Let its touch awaken new memories, sounds of the being who can hold all in balance.
As this tender possibility colours your world in subtle shades of difference, allow it to draw hope into your consciousness.
Into this body. This moment. Into now.
Let the sounds of awareness grow. Let the shape of your being open to receive the moment as it begins anew.
And taste the wish as it calls you by name.

Opening to receive what is new


How you begin is so very important…

for it can create a space for your being to open to this moment, giving you the intuitive capacity for responding with care for the whole.

How you begin sets the the tone for the current impulse of your being, allowing access to the flow of a connected awareness.

To begin in a way that is open and free creates an energy of giving that naturally attracts light. It aligns the centres of your body into receiving this light and so initiates a beautiful interplay between earth and lifting.

So may you begin, and begin again… and open to receive what is new.

Questions for the new year


When you approach your life, how do you step?

When you look upon your day, what do you expect to see?

When you listen to the sounds, the movements, the voices, what is it you want to hear?

How many times have you sensed a vast truth only a moment away?
And yet it exists beyond the dimension you are searching.

Come, play


Come, play with the unknown
Taste its delicious mystery and feel its elusive touch.

Open your heart
and for a moment fly free of all limits.

Hear the unknowable
expanding beyond yourself, stretching wide and laughing with the joy of its newness.

Be unknown
untethered to the past, held in this unfolding moment, and free to travel its awakening.

And return refreshed
filled with the un-nameable wonder of having been held in the arms of a much greater self.

Spirit of new life


I speak to you, to the quiet, still place within.
To the wish that seeks the stars.
And I feed you with the love of my being.

I come for this precious stillness, this tiny space within your day, when the opening into your heart may create a passageway through to the stars.

I come for this hope, so it may grow and feed you with a new experience of life.

I see how small and precious it is within your life, how tender within your being.
And I awaken the heart of creation within these moments when we can be as two hearts communicating, as two wishes sharing the breath of this life.

I am here in the moments of your stillness.
Breathing the spirit of your new life.

The cycles of change


You feel the shedding of an old skin, a fabric of energy that has cloaked your life in meaning, now dissolving in purpose to make way for the new.

You are not settled in this process, feeling a sense of loss as what once gave you identity breaks down into dust, to be swept away by a new inflow of beginning.

Bear this time in grace as best you can, allowing for the moments of nothing to be not hollow voids to be dreaded but sacred spaces, the forming of brave new pillars of a temple that gain their strength from the passing of what has been.

Feel the dying as still you live, trusting in the natural wisdom of cycles, knowing that each death births the seed of a new beginning, just as each new beginning, in time, is asked to surrender into a new realisation of truth. Continue reading

Riding the waves…


Come into the centre
Commune with this source of balance
Stand upon the rock of truth
as the waves of life rise to meet you

Stepping gently …


My path is right in front of me
I am sure of this
It’s there waiting patiently for me
to have the eyes to see it
ears that can hear it
a heart that can feel it
and a mind that understands

Step gently in this search.
Let each unfolding be as a new reality dissolving into your mind,
awakening your senses with the subtle touch of new life,
forming experiences and releasing old expectations
with the intake and release of each breath.



As I begin to settle and the breath softens within my heart, opening my being to a newer and deeper breath…
as I release and open again, welcoming in the gift of spirit…
I sense a change in my thinking.
My thoughts lighten, releasing and floating a little, dancing to a rhythm yet to be fully heard, but sensed and wished for.
My being begins to respond differently, without thinking.
A new wish grows, borne from a sense of self that has always been there and yet is new –
opening in this moment to be here in this physical body with new senses.
I feel infused with an energy that vibrates through each cell, gently soothing and whispering with the life-message of release.


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