Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

New possibility

Relax. Relax your mind. Allow yourself to be as water, your thoughts gently pooling in a calm place, preparing to flow as a stream into the depths of the ocean.

This nameless voyage, where you break free of the currents that keep you bound, is your journey into mystery. Here where you can travel beyond fear’s map, to touch upon a new destination is your path forward. Continue reading

Soul in earth

Relax, dear one

Slow down

Allow your breath to steady you, to sail you into calmer waters

Enjoy this change of rhythm

This quietening of thought

This softening of emotion

And be here in this nurturing moment

Where you mother your own life

Thinking of the child first

Gentling that which loudly demands

Giving to that which silently waits as the opening Continue reading

New day

I come upon a wave of love, rising as sacred tide within your heart. Accompanied by a chorus of silence, I gently weep the tears that release all that lies unforgiven, all that remains in regret, all that holds you back from taking a new step.

I am release. Release of the past. Release of the future. I come to you as you are now and draw you into the sacred circle where there is no beginning or end, but simply the beautiful possibility of the living moment.

Here in this space, where grace dwells as a beautiful scent and simplicity softly murmurs, do I ask you to be, to be more of who you truly are, for you to deepen as the colour of a rose held in the love of the sun. Continue reading

Sense of wonder

May your reaching be that of a child

With hands soft and open

May your words be those of a child

Searching for the sounds of a new language

May your body be that of a child

As you remain supple in thought and action Continue reading

In care

Held in care, in a place where compassion softens set pathways of thought, will it be found. In the hush of a silent night, where the face of the stars smile upon the land, will you sense it.

In the breath that travels the worlds, that clears the way for a new flow of energy, in this simple opening can new possibility rise to meet you. Continue reading


Imagine you are on the verge of moving into a new home. You have packed up all your belongings from your previous address and are about to make the transition from one dwelling to another.

Imagine the feeling this creates within you as you have a sense of where you are going to, having tasted the space you are about to inhabit, yet still feeling the mystery of making this space more real.

For child this is where you are in terms of your spiritual journey. You are on the threshold of moving into a new place of existence and you can sense this in moments you feel a pull toward a new reality, when all that is familiar and habitual bows down before a greater truth. Continue reading

New beginning

She comes into your dreams at night, into your waking moments in life, in times of crisis. She brushes against you like a breeze against the leaves of a tree, causing a soft vibration that moves you from sleep into gentle awareness.

She is nameless and formless till the moment she reshapes your posture and calls you by your essence name. And then she is gone, leaving her eternal mark, even though on one level you forget and resume your habitual posture, answering to a name that belies the depths within.

She is the mystery of soul, the beauty of the unknown. Continue reading


I come before you as simplicity and I touch your heart.


I touch it as a breeze would clear your mind. As a flame would melt the walls of division. As rain would cleanse the past. As the sun would warm you into the magic held in each moment.


I come to shepherd you home. For you to sense the path of return, where each step taken leaves a golden trail in the heart … opening a window to welcome in the touch of soul … transforming the haze of distraction into the silent breaking of dawn.


I am simplicity. Simplicity in the complexity of life. The gentle edge that protects the life of the child, that raises the sword of love where the forces would war for dominance.


I ask you now to feel this simplicity in your heart as the beginning of love, in your mind as space, in the cells of your body as a guiding intelligence. I ask you to question the complexity that shrouds you and come take my hand, feel my rhythm, experience my release.


I am a vibration

A single pure note

A lantern that lights a way forward in the living of life.


Feel my touch in the centre, in the still pool that holds you steady, in the calm breath that softens your body.

Feel me in the colour of a flower, in the freshness of the wind, in the dappled light that filters through the leaves of a tree.

Feel me all around and know you are not alone. For I am presence.
The presence that exists in nature. The presence that breathes through your body and gentles your thought, that asks of you to come back to simplicity, to your next breath, to the moment, to now.

Let melt the past, the dissolving of hurt and pain into the richness of what now can be created from each and every suffering. Let shine the light that pierces through the clouds of illusion and kisses the earth in warmth and hope.

Feel me

Feel the presence that rises in your moments of awakening, that frees you from the world of form alone and blends you into the wondrous realm of creatorship where all is made new.


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