Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

You know the way

Archway light

The ray of a new impulse enfolds the earth that she
and all life upon her lands may stop
and take a new breath


A space is growing

A living space

A space that you can step into as child transforming

For know as the tides turn and you find yourself upon new shores that now, more than ever, your stepping can embody a light born through the returning to the eternal waters of stillness.

This work-eternal in which you nurture your inner being is the lamp that lights a way forward … and is it this rhythm of stillness that can lift you into the mind of creation and the heart of love as all prepares for more change to come.

So remember you know the way … and each time you return to this living way will you be held steady and in balance as the forces play.

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