Window Light
Sensing and unfolding
May you settle, may you calm, allowing the heartbeat of the mother to become your own.
For in the deepening tranquility of your interior world can the whole of you soften … and in this softening the reality of a deeper intelligence be revealed.
In these moments that are subtle yet keenly felt, can you touch upon a frequency that reveals a state of being you have come to rediscover and live in earth, the many pathways that have led you away from this rhythm ultimately leading back to its truth as your search deepens.
Know then the beauty of the breath as it fills and releases you, creating a space in-between where all can be simply held in a presence that both anchors you into the moment as it allows you the taste of rising heavenward.
So may be birthed an understanding that ever-grows in colour and light, and so may be sensed anew the meaning of your life.
In this sensing and unfolding…
New harmony
Stillness is a foundation you can build upon to reach into the stars and gather their energy into your being, from there to shine their light into your world.
Stillness is a place of safety and surety – a haven to which you can retreat to regroup and replenish your energy – to allow an expansion of being that encompasses so much more, providing clarity and an opening into a new way forward.
Stillness is the place where you can greet your true self, welcoming in a new set of beliefs and possibilities that are endlessly evolving, allowing new knowledge and insights to alight upon your mind, awakening you to the miracles and mysteries of your existence.
Be blessed in the wonder that is stillness.
Allow it to weave new pathways between heart and mind, body and soul, creating a new harmony upon which you can travel through life, your journey now smoothed as you move within the light shone from your work with stillness.
And know it to be with you forevermore.
I wish for a day of allowing
of releasing
of creating a small shift
that something new may begin to awaken
A pattern that forms anew in each moment, searching and seeking for the best path through which to express light and love, opening always into a space that holds true freedom, has the power to create life-eternal.
And does this true pattern-new seek to raise the consciousness of all that moves within cycles of the past, returning ever to repeat the same events over and over, unconsciously unaware of where this can lead.
So pray this day for the connection of a pattern-of-old to a loving intent for its freedom, that it may move into a realm where a bigger, brighter picture can be seen and a spaciousness experienced that it might see itself and its purpose anew.
Beautiful being of heaven and earth, walk this day awake to the possibility that lives in every moment.
You can connect so very simply. In a moment the body can come back into alignment, breathing you deeply into stillness … slowing the mind, softening the senses, relaxing and coming back into being … here and now in this body. Alive and open.
Each return strengthens the journey. Each conscious impulse, given the focus of your whole being, births a new life within you – granting soul presence in earth, and earth the gift of an eternal moment of light.
Breathe …
Breathe and lift.
And as you enter into a more refined place in yourself,
Let this space feed and nourish an ever-silent you.
As the senses begin to vitalise and start to work their magic…
As the sleeping eyes awaken to spark new eyes that glisten as a stream in a river …
Listen …
Listen to a vibration that calls an ever-greater connection.
Magical moments
The magic of a moment,
when day turns to night
and night awakens to a new day …
when a shadow sways in the breeze,
a reflection dances on the wall,
a ray of light reaches from behind a cloud
to touch the earth.
All of these can awaken a sense of wonder,
a marvelling at something outside ourselves,
as the simplicity of the miraculous speaks clearly
and the words of the soul-world are heard.
Simply be
Listen … simply listen
and shall you come to hear a different rhythm of life
shall you come in from the storm to the temple within
Breathe … simply breathe
and shall you begin to truly inhabit your earth body
allowing the spirit of heaven to move within
Listen … and breathe
Listen … and breathe
And be
Simply be.
From stillness
Let a resonance with all life become who you are, as the threads that weave our world within yours grow stronger and the light that beckons all to awaken grows brighter, heralding in a time where the unknown shall become the new way forward – where shield and sword can be replaced by love and hope, shining as beacons upon a horizon of colours bursting with the vibrancy of heavenly worlds.
All this, from stillness, shall be birthed.
Voice of the child
A touch, light as mist,
opening the portal between heart and mind,
between heaven and earth
In the quietude where your heart’s wish may rise is the foundation of your body as it houses the temple within.
And as you move in life, as you speak and comprehend and act, may this temple come to be as a trusted compass, its direction allowing you to step in more conscious ways, releasing you from duality into a cosmic ocean where every wave is born from an impulse of love.
As these waves wash over you and you inhale the scent of new life, are you seeded with the fruits of a higher order … this food of a new consciousness blessing you and aligning you with a state of being that shines a way forward.
So opens the portal in moments of awakening,
its corridor of light received by the hands of the maiden
as is given into the earth-journey the voice of the child
The wonder of soul
Be with me today
Help me to stay centred and calm, simple and still …
to, in balance, create from heart
Thank you