The flame
A moment
A breath
An all being awareness,
feeding the seed and life within
receiving the nourishment of a soul wish
Awakening again and again
choosing the path that reveals itself anew each time
Returning you to the beginning
to the heart of your search, the fire of your purpose
where all can become one again
with the flame
Free forevermore
A still mind can see clearly into the depths of being.
A worried mind continually chases its own tail, pursuing the same thoughts over and over to no avail.
A busy mind is too full to allow an influx of energy from another world.
All these are part of life. And to illuminate the truth of your life can stillness be the light – the key to unlocking patterns that are deeply embedded and, in the simplest moment of release, allowed to fly free to be transformed and integrated as great wisdom and understanding.
So be still this day.
Take many moments to stop.
Take many moments to reflect deeply and offer prayer for a release, for all to find its freedom and rightful place.
And forevermore step free,
fly free,
be free.
Creating space
Feel the energy of the mind … then feel space, simple space
Feel the persistence of the mind … then feel space, simple space
Feel a softening of the mind … from space, simple space
Feel a lifting of the mind … into space, eternal space
As you continue to grow and deepen, fall and rise, may you always return to the wonder born of creating space.
Here where you consciously step out of an everyday rhythm to be part of a simple practice that allows space to be, do you invite the beautiful world of stillness to embrace your every part.
Here where you are transported into a forever deepening vibration, where inner eyes begin to open and a growing sense of being connected to a much greater heartbeat becomes a reality, can you experience yourself as a note within a cosmic, eternal hum.
And from here with the truth of connection alive within your cells can you trace patterns of light upon the body of earth … and all within that seeks the touch of transformation.
So may you create
So may you be magician of creating space.
Back to balance
May you stop, breathe, come to stillness and find balance.
Here in this moment of new beginning are you reborn to take-in your first breath of a very real and living possibility.
Feel this. Know this. Each time you take this step a chorus of support playing your earthly body, awakening those places within where a new impulse can be nurtured and given rite of passage.
As the hum of this energy moves through you, as you feel yourself being wooed into a higher place within, is it here you can know the kiss of home upon you … this returning you to your sacred centre where you are held as a star shining its light into the heart of the cosmos, where is shared all you are gathering in your earth journey.
So may you know balance after feeling lost.
So may you know the richness of new understanding after confusion has scattered your mind.
So may you step afresh as the colours of new day dawn within you, as you feel the warmth of the sun, its rays embodying the many wishes of those near and far, the vast family of creation a living truth within your heart.
All in the “stop”
All in finding your way back to balance.
Your energy
Where is your energy?
When your energy is focused firmly outside yourself, blaming a situation-external for your discomfort, then nothing of our world of mystery and magic can touch you, and any wisdom wishing to rise from within cannot be heard.
Where is your energy?
When your energy is scattered, being thrown outside yourself by a focus purely on the material and external, much as we may wish to help, our words and intentions cannot be heard or felt, and your inner wisdom remains trapped and untapped.
So return to your centre
Do whatever you need to return to your centre.
Move your body, walk in nature, listen to the sounds around you,
feel your feet as they touch upon blessed earth.
And know that sometimes words from another, as they ring with the pure sound of truth, can bring you back to your senses, back to the peaceful state that comes from knowing and embracing what is truly important.
So come back … come back to your centre. And hold out your hand to both receive and give of the waters of purity that run deep, that carry within them the magic born of the stars.
The light
Let the light shine through all –
all my joys
all my sorrows
all my disquiet
all moments of pure peace and calm.
Let the light shine through everything.
Let it illuminate all that lies beneath
in the gentle warmth of its rays of pure love that carry no judgement,
only the wish for us to be free.
And let this light shift my awareness into another dimension
where all is seen and understood to be part of a great design,
a pattern ever-evolving and unfolding to reveal its mysteries
that we might be part of its making.
Let the light shine through us each and every day
in all possible ways.
I breathe
I breathe,
to welcome the child into a finer space.
I breathe,
into its heart, a rhythm of new…
to sweep away its thoughts, so it may clear its mind’s eye,
to lift high to explore from a new place.
I breathe,
to attune its conscious notes…
so it may embrace moments to hear and sense something very new to its heart.
I breathe,
to help it come to simple moments of freedom…
to discover and exchange our breaths where there is a finer
balance, to infuse the light of more.
Here, the child is raised upon waves of stillness,
there is no thought…
there is space to discover new sensations and colours.
Here, we breathe,
to exchange finer and finer breaths,
to feel peace and in moments a oneness.
And as precious love flows through its bloodstream…
it breathes,
to be the silent child in the light of love.
Newly breaking light
In the lifting of your gaze
In the lengthening of your body
In the stilling of your mind
In the deepening of your very next breath
So may new day be born
So may you begin again
May you know moments of new beginning. In the softening of all you know yourself to be, may a door open where an inflow of energy sweeps across you as a caressing breeze.
For in these moments where you simply stop, making space for a new rhythm to carry you forward, do you open to the transforming wavelengths moving upon the air, asking only for your receptivity as they land upon you.
Here, as kiss after subtle kiss of the alchemy of new beginning lifts your perception, do you become the maiden – she who sees with innocence the path of love.
And here in this stepping, where the radiance of a new openness spreads its transference of light, can you be messenger of hope, your light touching the light in others, this creating golden suns that rise and dawn, gracing the earth in a lifting consciousness.
In these moments of newly breaking light …
A gentle curiosity
To be gently curious about that which you fear, or feel concerned or overwhelmed by opens a new space for you to see what’s possible.
It allows for the child to play, unrestricted by what you believe.
In this freedom can the body and senses, the heart and its breath, exist outside the limitations of any fear, allowing you to experience a reality beyond – even before you understand what this is.
So can this freedom grow until its reality is an undeniable truth that exists within, a way of seeing that shows you how to be and respond … to see into the heart of each concern and embrace any feeling of overwhelm with greater and more loving arms.
So may your step be steady, your heart free, as you keep opening a space for the child to take you beyond – into the world of what you are in the eternal process of becoming.
The steadfast way
The embrace of soul is not always comfortable, as it can remind of things long-forgotten, pushed into a secret place where they may be felt as the hint of something lost – something that floated into a distant land inside your being as you adopted the ways of worldly life, donning the cloak of conformity and camouflage.
To bear with the touch of soul in its uncomfortable form is to be the seeker of true treasure, for behind the pain of this loss lies your essence-true, awaiting your presence once more, awaiting your greeting, acceptance and love, that it might be with you every day as a wonderful support, providing signposts to where you need to be and who you are in truth.
So sit with your discomfort. Abandon it not again, but offer it the open door that leads to the presence of soul, the stairway that leads home, the air and sun that carry the vibration of your source, the water and bedrock that carry the blessing of feminine cleansing and support that you may move into dimensions-new and experience yourself as whole again.
Blessed be, child of the steadfast way, as you step in courage and light this day.