Window Light

Becoming whole

The wish of the heart is that all parts of your being might meet at its centre.

And does the space you create by the blessing of breath allow this meeting to take place on sacred ground, where all are welcome and much can be laid to rest, finding its peace and its place and role within your being.

Allow all within to find its freedom and walk a path anew by granting it passage to your innermost heart-space through the breath that carries awareness and stillness upon its travels, that the miracle of becoming whole and stepping free in earth may become real.

Your eternal home

Beyond the veil of earthly time, yet within your world, can be experienced the timeless truth of your eternal home.

This state, which comes upon you in precious moments, returns you to this reality where you travel upon a ribbon of energy into the centre of creation’s heartbeat and are held within the teaching of its hum.

Each time you touch upon this world and its note that resides within, can you experience a coming together of all the many parts of who you are, like states of a country once divided now becoming one to stand united beneath the gaze of true purpose.

Here where you can travel upon a beam of light is realised the sacred magic you have come to resurrect in earth, each lifting of the everyday nature to touch the star of your birth awakening lost frequencies which feed your whole physical make up with new knowledge and understanding.

This connection, where you bathe within a vast body of evolving intelligence, supports the bringing together of worlds and the healing of the divided nature … and from here can new steps be discovered that see your life transform upon the ray of creation.

So may the eternal be known within a time-based world.

So may the veil be lifted and the child born of this blending of worlds a light that shines within you and about you.

Rise again

Open to the unknown possibilities that exist within. For all that presents as discomfort, as pain, is a lost child in need of openness, care, love and healing.

It needs from you what was not present at its wounding, and only you can grant this, by the grace of connection with a divine light that can cast away the shadow of fear, dissolving it and adding an element long forgotten and unattainable.

When something arises from within, this is a wonderful opportunity for healing. And instead of seeking without, can you begin to invite these lost children into a safe space, permitting them entry and offering the light of soul to tend to their needs.

So be open. Be gently curious about what they wish to reveal.

Be allowing of their story.

Be caring and offer comfort and love, inviting in the divine presence that can give them what they need.

Let the healing begin, permitting all its chance to rise again.

Hope everlasting

peace be yours
that through still waters,
light might shine to reveal the beauty in their depths
to allow the rising of hope
to see the release of all that has lain hidden
its beauty now visible for all to see.

May grace become your truth
your purpose
your way of being.

What already is

Big sigh in

Big sigh out

Coming in touch with your breath, your body, the alignment of your posture, the presence of your gaze.

And now may you arrive, landing gently upon a new note of being, a sense of awakening refreshed, ready to begin, to realise and discover this moment in time.

Letting fall away the thoughts that circle endlessly, patterns of habit that have held you tightly till now as you stand upon the threshold, tasting of a new inner world that supports the navigating of the outer.

Here where in subtle astonishment you realise the small room in which you have dwelled when the kingdom within awaits, its high ceilings reaching to the stars and back, its windows revealing new horizons; hidden tunnels that lead you into the heart of mystery where the secrets of a living way dwell.

All this, in moments of reflection, of quietude, of sighing in and sighing out.

This way of ever beginning … ever returning to what already is.

May it be

May it fall away …  softly

May it surrender … gracefully

May it emerge … beautifully

May it exist … freely

May it be … simply

May it be child

May it be

Stepping back

In stepping back, lovingly, with a wish to enter into a living intelligence, can you be freed from the patterns that restrict the natural flow of your transforming self.

For in this action, born of the stop and the precious space this opens within you, do you widen the reach of your search and, like a compass-true, set in motion a direction you can trust.

One step taken, that follows this living path, allows you to see that you can transcend past history and conditioning to come to a place of newness and forever possibility, this which you have come to realise and live in earth.

So may you feel a lightness as the weight of unliving ways dissolve and you stand naked before the flame-eternal, its light showing a way forward and reflecting back to you your natural connection with a world beyond.

In this, the wonder of stepping back, born of the stop and given as food for your transforming journey.

All of your being

Instead of allowing the constant flow of life-energy to move you along, fragmented inside its stream as small parts of you react to each moment, your mind mostly in the past or future –

come back to this moment, centre yourself, gathering all of your parts inside the space that is stillness and, connected now with soul, move all of your being from there.

For within stillness is there a protection, a gathering of your energy into a centre surrounded by a gently glowing cloak that covers all with a fabric of cohesion and comfort, allowing for a melting and the influx of higher will that can guide your steps in a direction different to the one habitually followed.

From here can you have true choice, stepping into magical places unknown and creating miracles in each moment, travelling upon winged feet, buoyed by an energy of wonder and adventure.

If you wish to truly create your own life and choose its direction, live more and more within stillness. For here can the doorways you seek manifest and open, revealing pathways that will see you step the journey of gracing earth with light and offering the worlds of light the wisdom of earth.

Gathered and centred within this moment
may you forever be.

Forever connected

In the place where nothing is fixed,
where all flows to the tune of a cosmic heart,

where the marriage of earth and star is a blessing already alive –
connected through many pathways
and intersecting the earth plane in a growing web of rising awareness.

In the opening where all is free to become what it is,
and the grace of an eternal sun answers each need in warmth.

In the awakening to soul,
where the child of earth is enfolded in a wisdom
connecting her back to the breath of her first beginning,
opening a ribbon of sacred energy
and revealing the path into the heart of creation.

In this forever connection that holds you
even while you slumber

and in the step which brings you ever back
to its loving, soul embrace.

A wish most pure

The power of a wish is infinite,

the blessing it can bestow immeasurable,

the soft touch of care it offers gracing both recipient and sender, reaching beyond to touch upon all beings within the same realm of vibration, allowing for a shift, even ever‑so slight, in the energy field of this particular pattern.

Set the intent of your wish for the highest good of all involved, for to be attached to an outcome is to pour your energy away from that which would offer the most support, away from creating the shift that is needed.

Attract not the karma of wishing to force in a particular direction, but instead be open to the patience and comfort of a love that wishes only for the best outcome for all, the best outcome now and into the future, on all levels at all times.

Let this wish flow through you. Let its energy be with you, within you and all around you, as you prepare to send it upon the breath of stillness into the ether, there to find its mark and work its subtle magic, beginning to weave a new pattern of possibility into an existing story.

Within the blessing of a wish most pure,
may you live forevermore.

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