A new breath
Released to birth the awakening, I give you a new breath.
I place it in care in the warmth of your open hands.
I give this new breath into you, softly as a breeze and surely as the sunrise.
I give it in grace that you might feel the might of what is on the brink of revealing, the beauty of a way still hidden, finding its steps upon a path uncharted.
I give this breath as a drop of gold into the purse of your heart, that you might know the richness of the moment.
I give it into you that your mind might expand, inviting in an intelligence woven through the stars of the cosmos.
I give this breath
I simply give it
And I ask you to breathe
To open and receive
And give of a new expression into the body of earth.
I will walk with you into what you dread, into your fear, into your journey of forgiveness, into your moments of peace and balance.
I will walk with you, child. No matter what colour of the spectrum you experience, I am with you, I am beside you. This truth is largely unrealised as in your sleep you let go of my outstretched hand. But know my hand is open, ever-ready to reconnect with yours.
I will walk with you through troubled waters, where you have felt pulls so strong you have been powerless. I walk with you in the sense that you are not alone, as all about you dances the light of new possibility.
I am with you in your solitude, where your only companion is a confused mind, the thoughts of which seek to erode your trust, taking you further and further away from wholeness.
I am with you and your relationship with a friend or partner, sounding the notes of release, so harmony and understanding may flow and new purpose rise as a wave of beginning. For child, you are both ending and beginning in the moment and this time of testing is to allow you to prepare for more of what is yet to come.
Like buried treasure you sense a fleeting richness of understanding and then are lost again, unsure of what direction to travel. And yet always do I say “Remember. Be present. Experience this moment you exist in now and lift to receive the ever-moving, ever-renewing breeze of awakening”.
Come into me. Take my hand. Reach into the beautiful space of release. Let go the past and the myriad pathways of your thought. For as a child who lives in the moment, may you harness your life’s experience and growng understanding, expressing now your thought or action from the balance of what you have known releasing into the unknown of now.
Feel my touch
Know my breath
Walk with me
Walk in truth and know you are free to create the fabric of love as you weave an awakening into all you do.
Into being
I am in each moment
Each breath you take
Each sigh you release
I am the silence that whispers through the complexity of life
That speaks another language
That opens you to a vast beyond
I am the change that happens in the cusping of night and day
And for a moment light and dark are held in balance,
Dissolving into one another
I am before you as messenger
Reminder of another self who rises up from the mists
And weaves a new colour into the fabric of your life
I am simple
A reflection of beauty
An order of life not bound by the hands of time
I am
I am
I am now
And I call you into presence
I cal you into being
The word
I move as an eternal spring beneath the surface of the land –
a living source of compassion
I seep into your muscles as an expansive breath
Wooing the mind of distraction that it might simply drink from the well
of my heart
I awaken the sleeper within you, allowing new eyes to look out upon life
And I relax your mouth and your cheeks, softening the tension held,
built over times passed
I am with you
Simply with you
Beneath the surface
Within your heart
I pour forth the chalice of the new waters
And I watch as buds of new understanding begin to expand
Feel me
Know me
Allow yourself a stepping not taken before
And in the mystery of the moonlight
Where the holy feminine places her mystical veil upon the thoughts of man Will you feel my touch coursing through you –
A river of intuitive song singing out
Whispering melodies of the true heart as it comes to speak the Word
Rest, child
Rest in the arms of grace
Allowing for a new care to deepen the beating of your heart
To touch the places hidden from view
Begin, child
Begin again in the arms of grace
Let her crown of simple flowers be a scent that lifts you
That awakens you to the breath as you inhale, releasing again into
new beginnings
Reach, child
Reach up to be embraced in the arms of grace
Feel not alone but gently supported, guided by the air as you breathe
of its mystery, as you breathe-in love
Be, child
Be in the arms of grace
Be one with her beauty as in surrender you become more of who you
truly are
Live, child
Live in a state of grace
Sip of this beautiful simplicity and know the joy of trusting in the
stillness that is as an ocean within your heart
Rest, child
Begin again
Breathe again
Be again
Live again
And give thanks for the moment
Give thanks for now
Gather about you a stillness
Let its vibration be as a garment you wear upon your being;
a fabric woven by the ocean waters and mountain depths,
a timeless space where you can simply be and commune with soul.
Be in stillness
Feel its expansion releasing you into a greater beyond.
Taste of this christened water, this still-pool of acceptance where all is
received and forgiven in the moment that is.
Receive stillness
Be the opening. Make space for calm. For peace. For clarity.
Let the dust settle. The rush dissolve allowing a clean space to breathe.
And be here. Be. Allow this place to be your guide and teacher.
Give stillness
Be vessel of the still-waters. Pour them forth whenever you can,
quenching the parched earth upon which you walk.
Let the thinking mind feel the gentling rain of stillness.
Let the hurt heart release its damned up waters to flow into the healing
expanse of the mother ocean.
Live in stillness
Whenever you can. While you walk. While you work.
While you interact. While you live.
Gather about you the vibration of stillness.
Wear this fabric of energy about you as a garment
and know you are one with the Creator.
All is new
I come upon a wave, washing over your mind,
breaking gently within the beating of your heart
I come quietly, in the stillness where miracles are birthed
I am
I am
Feel me in the eye of chaos, the whisper of calm that
weaves a thread of remembering
Feel me
Know we are one
Allow for the breaking of new possibility as in morning light the past is shed and all is new with beginning
In the still pool of the mind, where the depths of true knowledge exist
In the quiet waters of the heart, where compassion moves as a wave
In the calm-being that settles the storm
In the presence where only love can exist
Here can the unveiling begin, the gentle revealing of the garment of truth, slender rays of light filtering through the heaviness of sleep
Here is a moment captured beyond time, given as a jewel in the fabric of your understanding
Here is the contrast that forms the path of return, that holds up a light that the shadows may be seen
Feel the ebb and flow and embrace both as part of you
Feel the rising and falling and know this is the dance you step
And remember the way that cannot be known
As the miracle of awakening guides the beating of your heart
As you sail upon the body of the ocean and live the currents and times of calm, as you navigate your direction by the light of the stars, even as you live in earth, as you surrender just that little into the arms of an infinite beyond …
Path of beginning
Let me be the boat that carries you upon the waters; that places a golden sheath between you and the currents, connecting you to your true self.
Let me place signs upon your path; subtle messages come from a deeper intelligence, impulses that pull you toward the shore of self-knowledge.
Let me bathe you in calm when you would rise in anger, harnessing this energy in sails of light. And here may you flow with the breeze of a growing awareness, sensing the conditions anew, navigating a safe passage home.
Let me be …
Let me be in your heart
A gentle energy of light
A whisper of hope amidst the winds of change
Let my hands cradle your feet, lifting you onto higher ground, urging you beyond into the beautiful expanse of reality; offering the gift of the living-moment into the beating of your heart.
Feel me
Feel the presence in the air
Feel the thin veil between the worlds, the possibility to lift or the choice to remain unchanged.
Allow for the awakening, the lifting into being, the waxing and waning that grows the muscle of a whole new physique of possibility.
Know I am with you
Know I am come
Know you are called on the path of return, the path of beginning
Music of the cosmos
Listen, child. Listen to the music of the cosmos. Fall into its notes as you balance your energy. Be held in its infinite care. Come here for soothing, for releasing the load you carry and connecting into the source of your true home.
For the notes of the universe live inside you. Does their sound fill your ears as you listen to the energy behind all outer expression. Learn to be in the depths of an ever-expanding consciousness as you relate to life. Hear the breathing of a tree, the wish of a flower, the heart-beat of the wind, the song of the ocean.
Come and rediscover the familiar around you. Infuse the pattern of your life with new colour as you breathe-out expectation and predicted outcomes. And breathe-in the unknown, the gentle space between worlds that holds the promise of new life within its womb.
Allow the old skin to be shed, a gentle peeling away of that which has crusted over the spirit of the child. And feel the sensation of new air as it touches you as if for the first time, your senses awakening to a new intelligence.
Listen, child. Listen. Hear the music of the cosmos. Hear it deep within in the beating of your heart. Hear it all around in the life-force of nature.