Can you hear me? I am the silence that waits for you to notice ... the beginning that forms in the quiet space within.

Whole and complete

Life is a dance
and the lighter I can be
the more playful I am
the more graceful the dance will become

Allow life to flow into this moment,
refreshing all within, carrying away all that is stale and worn
that a sparkling light may manifest in the space now created
that your steps may be taken with a freedom born
of connection with all that carries a purpose-true.

Exist, simply exist in the here and now,
allowing for whatever may arise,
blessing it and letting it go
that you may be held securely and safely within the entirety of your being,
whole and complete, coming to know this place more and more
that it may become the place you wish to return to as often as you can
until it becomes who you are.

The mystery

This new day
may I be cloaked within a protective flame of devotion
as I step into this life of earth
offering all I have been to the winds of change
and all I can be into the mystery of unknown potential
as I release all
release …
and release again
over and over
in a gentle rhythm of letting go
that I may become truly new.

Joy of connection

Be still and feel a deeper rhythm hold you in its resonance, its hum connecting you to a vast, living space where miracles are born and truth realised.

Here, where your whole being can deepen and widen, can you navigate life with more balance, little by little allowing a lifting consciousness to blend into your everyday patterns.

So may you feel the blessing of walking with more awareness in your step, new directions opening before you, realising new paths of possibility.

So may you know the dance of the child

So may you know the joy of connection.


Awakening …

Awakening again … and then again … and again

These moments that come upon you, that open you to another way are like a torch shining its light into another dimension of reality.

Here, in the stillness that gives birth to new eyes through which to see and new ears through which to listen, is the beginning point of your rising in earth.

Be still then, knowing that each time you commune within the eternal embrace of stillness that you fan the flame within, lending space and oxygen to its presence, that you might be guided by its ever-brightening light.

Forever connection

Let the space created by the breath open within you a new sense of purpose,
connected to a flow that is the strength you offer into the world …

a strength born of the knowledge you are eternal
able to flow with the wind
and respond as a butterfly to the gentlest breeze.

May you grow with roots firmly connected
from where the flame can renew and release you
to stand ever upon a foundation real and true
in the sacred trust of your forever connection
and the love this creates in earth.

This wish

In the light of this new day, my wish is to taste the reality of living with light awakening my every centre, with the touch of space that frees up the past and softens all to be bathed in a state of becoming new.

My wish is to stand at the entry point to this world, to taste the scent of all that is beginning and hear the promise which calls … so that each time doubt returns I can gently enfold it in the energy of this ever-living wish.

For each return grows in wonder, charging me with the knowledge of my place in its arms.

In all that is becoming real …


The bells of remembering chime in the air,
sounding the clarity of truth,
calling to the awakening child of earth


Know this time is a time of return, of coming back to an essence truth seeded in you from the light of your first beginning, calling forth the blooms of your journey in earth.

Allow then for a listening that is more and more attuned to this calling, this remembering that allows for a flowering within, that sees you open the door to an inner chamber where the lamp-eternal burns silently.

Each time you commune with this light can you grow in insight, each taste of true seeing watering the garden of your divine connection, allowing this connection to guide you.

So may the stars of heaven circle your crown as the interplay between the worlds becomes a dance, as you step in rhythm with the music of a living, evolving consciousness.

In this remembering of who you really are …

Your truth

peace be yours
that through still waters
light might shine to reveal the beauty in their depths
to allow the rising of hope
to see the release of all that has lain hidden
its beauty now visible for all to see.

May grace become your truth
your purpose
your way of being.

Tend your energy

Know that in the simple tending of the garden of your energy, you support a dimension of life drawing ever closer to your world. Do you allow for inner patterns to melt into an embrace that accepts and holds the whole of who you are, this lifting you into new beginning after new beginning.

In your remembering to tune your earthly instrument, to awaken to pathways of thinking that are but lost children seeking refuge in what can be forever trusted, is to free yourself and allow for the next unfolding in your growing understanding.

Remember …

Simply remember to tend your energy, to grant yourself and all life about you the possibility that sings in the air, that beckons you as the gentle voice of soul to lift upon the frequencies that sound the hum of your forever transfiguration.

In this tending of your energy …

Living impulse

Held in the energy of a living moment does it begin,
a new flowering of heart and mind giving birth
to a living presence


Allow for a gentling of your rhythm, an opening sensed within, the emerging of a deeper self.

For in these subtle connections with soul is the food of a finer energy, a sustenance that feeds your inner being and rebalances your every part.

Now is a golden opportunity to allow a gentler pace to reveal what is in need of reconciling, what needs to be let go and what needs to change.

Allow for the space and intelligence held within the impulse of this time to speak to you and guide you, giving opportunity for past chapters to close and new beginnings to open both within and without.

So may you stand back as you allow this new impulse to come forward, sensing its rhythm and letting go of all that is no longer needed, allowing yourself to change as does the world around you.

In this living impulse, forever be held.


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